FPÖ – European spokeswoman Steger met Hungary’s Foreign Minister Szijjártó in Budapest |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

The EU must create solutions to the main problems – a patriotic turnaround in the EU elections is a prerequisite for this

Vienna (OTS) FPÖ European spokesperson NAbg. Petra Steger visited Budapest yesterday at the invitation of Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó. In a joint press conference, both emphasized the enormous tasks facing the European Union and the great similarities in the proposed solutions between the Hungarian government and the liberal opposition in Austria. At the same time, they criticized the fact that the Brussels institutions were developing in the wrong direction and would exacerbate the problems.

Szijjártó emphasized that the EU is currently in extremely bad shape. The common interest of the Hungarian government and the liberal opposition in Austria is to stop the wrong development. “This only works with a massive turn to the right in the EU elections. This is the only way we can stop the aggressive pressure exerted from Brussels and aimed at a centralized superstate. This is the only way the sovereignty of the member states can be expanded again. This is the only way to stop mass migration. And this is the only way we can break out of the war psychosis so that the voice of peace can finally be heard again,” said the Foreign Minister, referring to the war in Ukraine, which can only be ended through negotiations and not on the battlefield.

Petra Steger, who is running for second place for the FPÖ in the upcoming EU elections, expressed her confidence that the conservative, patriotic forces will be significantly strengthened. Steger sees Hungary as an important partner. The country is a “haven of reason” in the EU and Foreign Minister Szijjártó is a strong voice of reason. “A success of patriotic forces in the EU elections is at the same time a success of the European nations and citizens, because we are working to help the original vision of a Europe of fatherlands to break through again, the foundation of which is our common Christian Western culture “It is important to maintain and preserve,” said Steger. It is therefore urgently necessary to stop the erosion of national sovereignty by the EU institutions and to start a countermovement.

A consensus of reasonable patriotic forces is essential to deal with the biggest problems and crises. Steger first mentioned the terrible war in Ukraine: “A solution is urgently needed here, and when I talk about a solution, I mean peace and not the supply of more and more weapons and money to Ukraine. It is an absolute disgrace that the European Union, which was founded as a peace project and claimed that there should never be another war on our continent, is dragging us further and further into this war.”

With regard to the ongoing illegal mass immigration to Europe, Steger placed hopes in the Hungarian Council Presidency, which begins in July 2024 after the EU elections. The recently presented EU asylum pact is not a serious contribution to solving the problem because once again migration is not stopped, but is primarily managed and distributed. “We must develop Europe into a fortress that protects our citizens from illegal mass immigration under the guise of the right to asylum,” demanded Steger. Hungary shows that it is possible to prevent a mass settlement of migrants on the basis of the existing asylum regulations.

If it is not possible to create peace, stop mass immigration and also end the climate madness that is damaging the economy and destroying prosperity, the foundations of Europe risk becoming fragile and falling apart. “The Eurocrats in Brussels are not fighting to preserve this foundation, they are content to manage its demise,” warned Steger, expressing her hope for a turn to reason starting from the upcoming EU elections on June 9th . The Freedom Party will fight for this resolutely both in Brussels and in Austria and sees the Hungarian government as one of the most important partners.

During her visit to Hungary, Petra Steger also met with the Vice President of the Hungarian Parliament Czaba Hende, the State Secretary Barna Pál Zsigmond, who is currently particularly responsible for the preparation of the Hungarian Council Presidency, as well as the State Secretaries in the Foreign Ministry Tamás Menczer and Krisztina Varju. Discussions with EU representatives from the Hungarian ruling party Fidesz were also on the program.

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