FPÖ – Ecker on FGM: “Zero tolerance for female genital mutilation, ÖVP and the Greens must finally act!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Ecker on FGM: “Zero tolerance for female genital mutilation, ÖVP and the Greens must finally act!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Crime imported from archaic cultures as a result of mass immigration must be combated with harsher penalties

Vienna (OTS) “Genital mutilation is a purely cultural crime that must under no circumstances be tolerated or downplayed. The ÖVP and the Greens must finally stop trivializing this imported violence and pursue proper integration policy: tougher penalties and improvements in the follow-up of reported FGM cases in relation to criminal prosecution. This is the only way to really protect girls and women from these despicable crimes against the female body,” said FPÖ women’s spokeswoman NAbg. Rosa Ecker on the occasion of the International Day Against Genital Mutilation on February 6th.

FGM has become a sad reality in Austria and would only affect women with a migrant background, said ÖVP Women’s Minister Raab herself, commenting on the results of a study commissioned by the Federal Chancellery in 2022 by the Medical University of Vienna in cooperation with the women’s health center “FEM Süd” on FGM/C. According to the study, around 11,000 girls and women in Austria are affected by female genital mutilation/cutting (abbreviation: FGM/C) and up to 3,000 young girls are at risk of this culturally based form of brutal violence. “Female genital mutilation is an outgrowth of archaic cultures. The fact that we have to deal with this problem here in Austria is a direct result of the completely wrong immigration policy of the last few years and decades, for which the ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens and NEOS are responsible. No woman in our homeland should be affected by this bestial crime; politicians must create the appropriate framework conditions for this!” says Ecker.

For Ecker, the fact that the number of girls and women affected is so high is primarily due to the “failure of the black-green federal government and its failed integration policy”. Ecker continued: “In 2022, ÖVP Minister Raab boasted about the establishment of a nationwide coordination office, which will focus on the obviously important educational and prevention work. But Raab now wants to tackle the actual perpetrators, namely men from the affected cultural groups. Yes, how many girls and women still have to experience physical and psychological suffering before the problem is finally tackled at the root?” For Ecker, Raab would also admit the failure of the black-green federal government if she sees FGM as now ” “sad reality” in Austria.

“Female genital mutilation is punishable under Austrian law, regardless of where this despicable crime against the female body was carried out. If the government constantly mourns and regrets everything, but continues to do nothing despite countless possibilities, it is no longer credible in this area either. With an FPÖ-led federal government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl, this policy of trivialization and looking the other way at the expense of the physical and psychological integrity of girls and women will be a thing of the past!”, Ecker concludes

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