FPÖ – Ecker on Equal Pension Day: “Our money for our women, pensioners and mothers!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Ecker on Equal Pension Day: “Our money for our women, pensioners and mothers!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

“Our money for our women, pensioners and mothers! Because while the ÖVP-Green government and before that the SPÖ have spent and are spending enough money for people from all over the world, but who previously did not pay a cent into our pension system, we discuss the pension and salary gaps of Austrians year after year . The pension gap must be closed during working life. If a woman is already retired, it is already far too late. They are then fobbed off with alms and are made even more dependent on the respective government or their spouse!” said the liberal women and seniors spokeswoman NAbg. Rosa Ecker on the occasion of tomorrow’s Equal Pension Day. She renewed the Freedom Party’s demands: “Increasing wages and salaries in low-wage jobs, appropriately rewarding mothers’ ‘professions’ with, among other things, creditable pension periods instead of punishing them, and pension subsidies for part-time working mothers.”

Above all, the “profession of mother”, which is the most important and demanding job in the world, is the main reason for the enormous pension gap for women and should finally be adequately compensated. Ecker also called for state recognition for childcare in the form of creditable pension periods: “Women work a lot more often part-time than men. Women are far more likely than men to be responsible for child and family work, but also for caring for relatives, in addition to their professional activities. Ten years after the birth of a child, women earn on average a third less than if they had remained childless. Childcare outside the family and its expansion is good, but it cannot be the case that a mother is ‘driven’ back into work for financial reasons and then has to place her child in care. If a mother decides to look after her children herself, it must be rewarded instead of punished!”

Furthermore, there is a need for increased labor market policy measures for the re-entry or retention of women in the world of work until the statutory retirement age, especially in the area of ​​women’s health: “As we know from the women’s health reports, women are sick more often and more severely due to the multiple additional burdens – both physically and mentally. Therefore, measures must be taken so that women can remain in employment until they retire, instead of having to retire from unemployment or sick leave – and early with enormous discounts.


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