FPÖ – Brückl: “Zero tolerance for political Islam in local schools!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

The exposed Milli Görüs schools in Vienna prove the failure of ÖVP Education Minister Polaschek

Vienna (OTS) “The ÖVP must finally stop pretending to the outside world that integration is so important to them, when on the other hand it promotes the formation of parallel and counter-societies that are, moreover, incompatible with our cultural image,” reacted FPÖ- Education spokesman NAbg. Hermann Brückl responded today to a “Kurier” article according to which the Islamic Community of the Islamist Milli Görüs movement runs two schools with public rights in Vienna through the SOLMIT association and announced an inquiry to ÖVP Education Minister Polaschek: “About the educational level under cover religious freedom, political Islam with its anti-Semitic, Islamist tendencies that are completely contrary to our culture is finding its way into our country – promoted by the once Christian ÖVP. Education Minister Polaschek will have to give us answers about this.”

It is not generally forbidden for religious communities to run schools in Austria, but “this is not an ordinary religious community, but rather an Islamist movement that was too conservative-Islamist for Turkey and therefore found no ‘breeding ground’ there. Parties of this movement have even been banned there in the past.” Brückl continued: “That is also the reason why they have their central location in Austria and Germany and not in Turkey. While they were not tolerated in their actual homeland because of their radical views, they took advantage of the blind good nature and false tolerance bordering on naivety of the Western value society to indoctrinate their radical views here.”

“If an Islamist-anti-Semitic movement clearly commits to the separation of Muslims from the majority society and even demands this from its supporters, then this is a clear call to refuse any integration. Such tendencies have to be nipped in the bud, because if that doesn’t happen, no matter how good we consider integration measures, these people are not ready to integrate. We as the FPÖ will certainly not tolerate the fact that there are apparently schools in Austria that demand the creation of parallel societies!” said the Freedom Party.

The “spread of anti-Semitic political Islam” must be stopped instead of promoting it, as the ÖVP does. The growing anti-Semitism of political Islam must finally be fought, but this renewed ÖVP revelation shows that this will only happen with a strong FPÖ with a People’s Chancellor Kickl. Because the ÖVP has neither the courage nor the will to tackle this major problem area and prefers to follow the path of the left-wing tolerance romantics!” says Brückl.

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