FPÖ – Brückl: “The shortage of teachers is just the tip of the iceberg of the many problems in our education system” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Brückl: “The shortage of teachers is just the tip of the iceberg of the many problems in our education system” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“ÖVP Education Minister Polaschek is at his wits’ end”

Vienna (OTS) “The shortage of teachers is just the tip of the iceberg of the many problems hidden in the Austrian education system. The governments of past years with red or black education ministers did not draw the necessary conclusions from the results of the PISA tests. “We just muddled along but didn’t respond,” criticized FPÖ education spokesman NAbg today. Hermann Brückl in his contribution to the debate on the ‘urgent motion’ in the National Council.

“A minister must recognize problems and then try to solve them. There are a lot of unresolved problem areas in our education system because ÖVP Minister Polaschek, together with his party and the SPÖ, have completely run down what was essentially a really good education system over the past 20 years. The black-green Corona regime also frightened the children and they suffered lasting psychological and physical damage as a result of the school closures. During this time, you, Mr. Minister, portrayed us as ‘Corona idiots’. In the end, it wasn’t the ÖVP and the Greens who were right, but the Freedom Party – and that’s a fact,” said Brückl in the direction of Polaschek.

“This black-green government has ensured, among other things, that the Matura has been ruined, that teachers are frustrated, that students have problems with basic skills at the end of their school career, or that there are school classes in urban areas in which children sit , who can barely speak German – the latest PISA study impressively confirms the failure of this government. The first PISA tests began in 2002 and since then the standards in schools have drifted downwards. If nothing is done about it, things will not get better in the future,” predicted the FPÖ education spokesman.

Regarding the teacher shortage, Brückl commented: “We said ten years ago that we would face a teacher shortage. But no minister listened to us and did not react. But if Minister Polaschek continues to act like this, then we are heading for a catastrophe in which the entire education system will ultimately collapse.”

“ÖVP Education Minister Polaschek is at his wits’ end. We therefore need an education minister who works, who cares about the future of our children and who wants to offer them prospects. In addition, new, lean curricula must be created, administrative, salary and training reforms and a reduction in bureaucracy must be addressed. Daily reading and gymnastics lessons must also be created and the biggest problem of a lack of language skills in schools must be solved quickly,” emphasized Brückl.

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