FPÖ – Brückl: “In Austria, everyone has the opportunity to get an education” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Brückl: “In Austria, everyone has the opportunity to get an education” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“Anyone who is not willing to integrate into the education system must expect consequences”

Vienna (OTS) “In Austria, everyone has the opportunity to get an education. But what is necessary is the will to perform. If this is the case, everyone in Austria has the opportunity to acquire education – regardless of their parents’ level of education. But especially in recent years, the education sector has suffered massively from the corona school closures arbitrarily set by the black-green federal government together with the SPÖ and NEOS, as well as uncontrolled immigration. “The false tolerance of the black-green-red-pink unity party and the failure to demand integration measures such as compulsory German are letting our education system degenerate,” says FPÖ education spokesman NAbg. Hermann Brückl on the figures presented today “Education is inherited” from Statistics Austria.

“The current issue of family reunification – thousands of children from often poorly educated countries are to be integrated into our education system from one day to the next – does not make things any easier for the children. Because the level is always based on the weakest in a group. We have been pointing this out for years, for years our concerns about the education system have been swept under the carpet and now we are faced with completely terrible facts. Now we have to act quickly, but only an FPÖ is willing to do that,” Brückl accused the ÖVP education minister of inaction. Migration plays a big role in education, as does the parental home. From a freedom perspective, it would be all the more important to start with immigrant parents. And anyone who is not willing to integrate into the education system must face consequences.

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