FPÖ – Belakowitsch to Holzleitner: “Does Comrade Kollross correspond to the SPÖ women’s policy?” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Belakowitsch to Holzleitner: “Does Comrade Kollross correspond to the SPÖ women’s policy?” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) “If the SPÖ women’s leader Holzleitner calls for a restart of women’s policy, then she should first of all clear the air in her own party or does Comrade Kollross correspond to the SPÖ women’s policy? That must be the case, because you don’t hear anything from the red women’s rights activists when it comes to the statement that the SPÖ MP and mayor wants the ‘right of the first night’. How loud the words of calls for resignation would be if such a statement came from a Freedom Party,” said FPÖ club deputy chairman Nabg today. Dr. Dagmar Belakowitsch.

The SPÖ’s silence on MP Kollross’s rape fantasies of girls and young women is shameful. “It is simply disgusting how the most disgusting statements made by a red elected official are covered up and trivialized here. A new start in women’s politics can only be linked to the resignation of the appointed Kollross,” emphasized Belakowitsch.

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