FPÖ – Belakowitsch: Now the SPÖ is also turning on the copy machine! | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Belakowitsch: Now the SPÖ is also turning on the copy machine!  |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

The FPÖ has been calling for a salary for nursing apprenticeships based on that of the police for years

Vienna (OTS) “We know that the ÖVP has been adopting its best ideas from the FPÖ for years. Apparently, due to a lack of its own ideas, the SPÖ is now also turning on the copy machine and decorating its hapless chairman with liberal ideas,” commented FPÖ deputy club chairman and social spokesperson NAbg today. Dagmar Belakowitsch supported SPÖ chairman Babler’s proposal to provide nursing apprentices with a decent salary. “We Freedom Party members have already called for the model, which is based on training for the police profession, several times and have also submitted corresponding proposals to the National Council,” said Belakowitsch.

The FPÖ politician described Babler’s rejection of the CO2 penalty tax, which was introduced by the black-green coalition and has to be paid for every liter of fuel and which will increase again at the beginning of 2024, as unbelievable: “Babler’s rolling course is adventurous – and The bottom line is that the SPÖ is not on the side of drivers, because Babler has already spoken out several times in favor of a speed limit of 100 km/h on motorways.”

As far as the “reform chancellorship” that Babler is striving for is concerned, one can be reassured. “The SPÖ has proven several times in recent years that it supports the Black-Green course in terms of content. Corona policy, economic sanctions and therefore inflation – everywhere the SPÖ was an accomplice of this federal government. So when Babler talks about reforms, the bottom line is: ‘It will continue as before anyway.’ Babler will remain with the people of Traiskirchen as mayor for a longer period of time, because moving into the chancellor’s office will remain an unfulfilled wish of the Christ child for Babler. Next year, citizens will present the bill for the politics of the black-red-green-pink unity party. It is high time for the people to be at the center of politics again – a liberal People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl will ensure that,” said FPÖ club chairman NAbg. Dagmar Belakowitsch.

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