FPÖ – Belakowitsch: Black-green fairy tale about “Fighting the shortage of skilled workers with more asylum seekers” once again refuted | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Belakowitsch: Black-green fairy tale about “Fighting the shortage of skilled workers with more asylum seekers” once again refuted |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Vienna (OTS) “The current figures from the ÖIF once again refute the myth of the black-green government, according to which even more asylum seekers would alleviate the shortage of skilled workers in our country!” said FPÖ social spokeswoman and deputy club chairman NAbg. Dagmar Belakowitsch in connection with the figures published this week by the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF).

Specifically, the ÖIF says: “The current data on the employment participation of refugees shows that six years after arriving in Austria, only around half of the refugees are employed. In 2021, 52.5 percent of refugees were employed.” “In plain language, this means: Reality belies the black-green fairy tale of ‘Fighting the shortage of skilled workers with more asylum seekers’. After six years of living in Austria, half of all the supposed doctors, architects and other specialists who were greeted by the ÖVP, SPÖ, Greens, NEOS and many other welcome clappers at the train station in 2015 to applause and cheers, live a beautiful life in Austria at the expense and above all at the expense of the hard-working Austrians,” explained Belakowitsch.

The new published labor market data from the Public Employment Service (AMS) would also confirm the criticisms that the Freedom Party has been highlighting for years about the “uncontrolled bringing in of social migrants into our welfare state”: “The number of foreign people who are registered as unemployed or are in AMS training , rose by 14.7 percent to 175,807 people at the end of January compared to the same month last year. These people are allowed to finance the hard-working Austrians who have toiled for years and see every month on their pay slip how much of their hard-earned money is being taken away from them for this disgraceful labor and social policy of the ÖVP and the Greens. This black-green policy is intolerable and a declaration of bankruptcy,” said the FPÖ social spokeswoman.

“Other countries, other cultures – what is also problematic is that many of the alleged ‘skilled workers’ from third countries, who have been streaming to us uncontrollably for years, neither want to integrate nor adapt to our culture. And that may also be a reason why many women don’t work because they often need permission from their husband. “Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis in particular are not exactly known for upholding women’s rights,” said Belakowitsch about the ÖIF data, according to which women with a migrant background were significantly less likely to be employed than male migrants in 2022. According to the ÖIF, the lowest employment rate is among women from Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. Female “refugees” enter the labor market much more slowly than men: ÖIF figures from 2021 show that after six years 22 percent are employed, after two years it is only 10.5 percent.

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