FPÖ – Amesbauer: “We have to talk specifically about how the planes to Afghanistan and Syria can take off as quickly as possible!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Amesbauer: “We have to talk specifically about how the planes to Afghanistan and Syria can take off as quickly as possible!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

ÖVP asylum PR and the bitter reality are miles apart!

Vienna (OTS) “If ÖVP Interior Minister Karner really wanted to deport him to Syria and Afghanistan, he could have taken action long ago. Instead, he always produces the same insubstantial headlines at regular intervals,” reacted FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer on the latest statements by ÖVP Interior Minister Karner at the EU Interior Ministers meeting in Brussels.

The Freedom Party pointed out that Karner repeatedly raises this demand in the media, but that corresponding FPÖ initiatives in parliament are never supported by the ÖVP: “When we have been requesting for years that deportations to these countries of origin have to be carried out again, the ÖVP consistently falls lying around. No one believes the Interior Minister’s powerful statements anymore. The Austrian population has long since recognized that the ÖVP asylum PR and the bitter reality are miles apart.”

“We don’t want, like Karner, to just talk about how we can deport people back to Syria and Afghanistan in the ‘medium term.’ Rather, we need to talk specifically about how the planes can take off as quickly as possible,” emphasized Amesbauer, pointing out that it has even been possible to book vacation trips to Damascus for some time. “The asylum system has been reduced to absurdity. There must finally be an end to the fact that every illegal entry – especially of Afghan and Syrian citizens – de facto automatically results in a permanent residence permit in the social hammock. We can’t even get rid of people like the brutal triple murderer in Vienna – no one understands that anymore,” said the liberal security spokesman.

“Yes, there needs to be a complete reversal of momentum in the spirit of the liberal ‘Fortress Austria’. That means closing the borders to illegal immigrants from all over the world and at the same time bringing out of the country everyone who has committed a crime, no longer needs protection status or has no other residence permit,” Amesbauer summarized the liberal position and concluded: “The ÖVP lacks the courage to finally protect the Austrian population. Only an FPÖ-led federal government with a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl is really prepared to turn asylum and migration policy back on its feet.”

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