FPÖ – Amesbauer: “The DSN director should rather take care of the countless problems in his own house!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Amesbauer: “The DSN director should rather take care of the countless problems in his own house!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“The existing surveillance powers are fundamentally sufficient if they are used correctly and fully”

Vienna (OTS) “The DSN director, who is apparently speaking on behalf of ÖVP Interior Minister Karner, should rather take care of the countless problems in his own house instead of grandstandingly making demands on politicians and peddling surveillance fantasies. There would be enough to do in his house, especially in view of the blatant lack of qualified personnel.” With these words, the liberal security spokesman NAbg commented today. Hannes Amesbauer statements by DSN director Omar Haijawi-Pirchner in an APA interview.

“The expansion of surveillance options is a very sensitive topic and has been discussed repeatedly in public statements by the ÖVP itself and those around the ÖVP for months. However, nothing concrete has been presented so far that could then be discussed objectively. Basically, you have to be extremely careful about giving such instruments into the hands of the ÖVP, which the Interior Ministry almost sees as a party branch. If it is not implemented properly, this can quickly be used against people who are critical of the government,” Amesbauer expressed great concerns.

“The existing surveillance powers are fundamentally sufficient if they are used correctly and completely – previous cases have clearly shown this. The ‘Zerbes report’ on the terrorist attack in Vienna also made it very clear that this disgusting attack should have been prevented with the existing instruments,” emphasized the liberal security spokesman.

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