FPÖ – Amesbauer: Parliamentary question to the ÖVP Interior Minister about the transfer of police officers from the states because of gang wars in Vienna!  |  Freedom Parliamentary Club
Vienna (OTS) –

“Police units from the federal states currently have to rush to the aid of their Viennese colleagues due to the escalating gang and foreign crime. The fact that the operational units from the federal states have to be equipped with impact protection, ballistic protection, long weapons, helmets and pepper spray shows the dramatic nature of this measure. These are untenable conditions that are taking place on our streets and especially in Vienna,” commented FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer various media reports about a police focus operation entitled “Ethnic conflict in Vienna”, which today also sent a written question to ÖVP Interior Minister Karner regarding “Relocation of police officers from the federal states due to escalating gang crime between Syrians, Afghans and Chechens in Vienna” tabled in Parliament.

Among other things, the FPÖ security spokesman wants to find out from the minister how many hours the police officers from the operational units from the federal states have worked in total as part of the focus campaign “Ethnic Conflict in Vienna”. Since exactly when operational units from the federal states have been deployed in Vienna due to the escalating gang crime or when which units, with how many officers, from which federal state were deployed in Vienna.

“These catastrophic developments are clearly the result of mass illegal immigration that has gone completely wrong. A crashing total security policy failure by the ÖVP, which has occupied the Interior Ministry for decades, in complicity with the SPÖ and the Greens. Around 240,000 asylum applications were submitted under the black-green coalition alone,” said Amesbauer, who further criticized: “The ÖVP Interior Minister has also completely failed in the area of ​​personnel recruitment. There are hundreds of police officers missing in Vienna and the temporary assignments from other federal states such as Styria or Upper Austria are opening up additional personnel gaps in these regions.”

“Such a situation can no longer be tolerated by the Austrian population, which is why a political turnaround in this country is urgently needed. A stop to asylum and a rigorous deportation policy against criminal migrants – these are the orders of the day. “This will require a strong FPÖ in the government and a People’s Chancellor Herbert Kickl,” said Amesbauer.


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