FPÖ – Amesbauer on the escalation of violence in Vienna: “Deport Afghans and Syrians who have committed criminal offenses quickly!” | Freedom Parliamentary Club

FPÖ – Amesbauer on the escalation of violence in Vienna: “Deport Afghans and Syrians who have committed criminal offenses quickly!” |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

“Security must be created and not just announced, as Nehammer, Karner and Co. are constantly doing.”

Vienna (OTS) “Austria now needs a large-scale deportation offensive. Afghans and Syrians who have committed criminal offenses must now be deported quickly. The time of checking countless times whether deportation is possible or not and calling for further various measures or programs is now finally over, now action must finally be taken. Our population has a right to security and to peaceful coexistence,” said FPÖ deputy club chairman and security spokesman NAbg today. Mag. Hannes Amesbauer on the ORF “ZiB2” interview with the General Director of Public Security Franz Ruf. “ÖVP Interior Minister Karner must end his show politics staged in the media and initiate these necessary deportations, because the massive excesses of violence and gang wars in Vienna must finally come to an end,” demanded Amesbauer.

“After the Constitutional Court recently determined that deportations to Afghanistan are in principle feasible, it is now possible to return rejected asylum seekers, but also people who have committed criminal offenses, from Afghanistan to their home country. Deportations to Syria are also possible immediately, because if only the greater Damascus area is declared a safe country of origin, travel there is still possible. Syrians who supposedly need protection from us and receive social benefits go there on vacation and return to Austria. Wherever one can go on vacation, one can also be deported there,” explained the FPÖ security spokesman and continued: “A good interior minister would have to do everything possible to create security for his own population. “So there can only be zero tolerance, the full force of the law for violent criminals, consistent deportations of criminal foreigners and a stop to illegal mass immigration.”

“We libertarians are the only ones who constantly advocate deportations to Afghanistan and Syria and an immediate stop to illegal mass immigration. The ÖVP, on the other hand, has opened the door to illegal immigrants and bears full responsibility for the current escalation of violence in many major Austrian cities. Security must be created and not just announced, as Nehammer, Karner and Co. constantly do,” emphasized Amesbauer.

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