FPÖ – Amesbauer: Kickl chats confirm consistent administration in the interests of Austrian security |  Freedom Parliamentary Club

Popp lacked essential qualifications to be a state police director – Amon was involved in the BVT affair

Vienna (OTS) “The chat messages currently circulating in the media from the then Interior Minister and current FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl prove one thing above all: Kickl always acted in the interests of security,” said FPÖ security spokesman NAbg today. Hannes Amesbauer.

Kickl fended off the inadmissible interventions of the Lower Austrian governor Mikl-Leitner (ÖVP) in favor of her preferred candidate Franz Popp because he did not meet an essential requirement for the position of state police director. He did not have a completed law degree. “The fact that after Kickl’s term in office the post-chasing flourished again and Mikl-Leitner’s orders were implemented by tailoring the advertisement to Popp is further proof that the ÖVP protects its friends regardless of any qualifications. “Incidentally, I miss the outrage in the media about the fact that the Lower Austrian governor has obviously interfered so massively in a personnel decision that has absolutely nothing to do with her,” said Amesbauer.

The wish not to give the ÖVP politician Werner Amon, as Ombudsman, the authority to audit the Ministry of the Interior was objectively justified. “Amon was indirectly involved in the BVT affair. He is a close friend of the former spy chief at BVT, who had privately hoarded immense amounts of confidential data and whose employment was therefore terminated. It was therefore necessary to ensure that Amon did not allow his work to be influenced by a desire for revenge against the Ministry of the Interior,” said Amesbauer.

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