FP-Luisser: Explanatory help on the Corona reparation fund | FPÖ Lower Austria State Parliament Club, April 25, 2024

FP-Luisser: Explanatory help on the Corona reparation fund |  FPÖ Lower Austria State Parliament Club, April 25, 2024

St. Pölten (OTS) “The Lower Austria COVID relief fund for Corona consequences set up by the Lower Austrian state government has the aim of working through the measures taken in the wake of Corona and taking steps to make up for the damage caused – as best as possible,” emphasized the FP State Councilor Mag. Christoph Luisser.

Of the approximately 7,000 applications submitted so far, over 5,000 have been awarded funding after review by the funding agency.

Among other things, funding is also planned for associations that carry out projects, provided that these aim to support or advise people who have suffered damage or impairments as a result of COVID-19 vaccinations or COVID-19 illnesses, especially those who are children and would support young people in this regard, explained Luisser, and continued: “As promised, we stand by Corona reparations on this issue too!”

The objective, transparent and comprehensible processing is ensured through testing steps when assessing the funding applications. The first step is to check whether the formal legal conditions have been met. The content of the funding applications is then examined (fulfillment of the eligibility requirements; completeness of the evidence to be submitted, etc.).

In the case of associations, it is also stipulated that a maximum of three projects per applicant can be submitted for funding. The funding amount is a maximum of €5,000.00/project.

“Only then is there a general funding commitment,” says Luisser. Money would only flow in the next step when the project applicant specifically demonstrated that the funds were used accordingly. The final disbursement of the funding will only take place after a final check to ensure that all requirements have been met and that there is no multiple funding. “Every applicant is of course free – as with various other funding – to submit as many different projects and as many applications as they want. According to the guidelines, multiple funding beyond the set maximum limit is excluded. This means that applications outside the set upper limits will of course no longer be paid out,” emphasized Luisser.

The funding process is continually reviewed by the Court of Auditors. “It is particularly important to us to ensure that the processing is completely transparent and carried out exactly in accordance with the guidelines and we therefore welcome the accompanying review by the Court of Auditors,” says Luisser, who sees the media excitement as an easily understandable game played by various journalists and opponents of reparations , who obviously don’t care about facts.

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