Forum for Catholic Adult Education for World Health Day: Independence and self-determination can be learned into old age.

Forum for Catholic Adult Education for World Health Day: Independence and self-determination can be learned into old age.

The “Be old young” program supports this.

Vienna (OTS)Every person should be able to shape their own aging process in order to live their life with joy and independence“, says DSA Doris Bauer-Böckle, head of the senior education network in the Forum for Catholic Adult Education and the “Be old young” offer on the occasion of World Health Day on April 7th. The trainers of the “being old and young” groups support this.

be old young – A holistic program for older people

The holistic offer “Being Old Young” combines techniques and methods in the areas of memory training, psychomotor skills, everyday digital skills and biographical work. And all of this in a joyful and pleasurable way. Very important: togetherness!
The weekly meetings help you stay physically and mentally fit and grow older healthily – with intelligence and mindfulness. Working together in the group becomes an integral part of the weekly planning.
For “Being old and young” leader Bauer-Böckle, this is where the great added value of the course offerings lies. “It’s always nice to see how respectful the participants in our courses treat each other. Especially when deficits and initial limitations become visible. And yet the participants then go about their personal everyday lives confidently“, she sums up the basic idea of ​​the concept.

be old young – become a trainer

“Being old and young” is a project of the Catholic Education Center Vorarlberg and, in cooperation with communities, offers valuable activities for people in the post-professional phase of life 65+. The course program for speakers is aimed specifically at those interested in supporting seniors and thereby enriching their own lives. Because, as long-time trainer Silvia reveals: “Being old and young also keeps me fit as a trainer and is fun! Singing, dancing, training your body and mind. I challenge myself to prepare. And the most important thing is of course the great people and the many beautiful moments.

Senior education in the Forum for Catholic Adult Education

Senior education has a long tradition in the Forum of Catholic Adult Education and is available under different brands – “LIMA – Quality of Life in Old Age”, “SelbA – Independent and Active”, “In the Middle of Life”, “Being Old Young”, “Active in Old Age”. “ – an integral part of his educational offering. Special attention is paid to the following topics: conscious and self-determined lifestyle, lifelong or life-long education, enabling social participation, spiritual dimension of education, quality of life in old age and intergenerational learning.
In the Catholic Adult Education Forum, around 600 full-time employees and 10,000 volunteers from over 70 church educational institutions are committed to contemporary, church adult education throughout Austria.

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Questions & Contact:

Dr. Karin Schräfl
public relation
Forum for Catholic Adult Education in Austria
1030 Vienna, Erdbergstrasse 72 / Top 8
Mobil: 0676/5390459

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