“For your better Austria” event – Babler: “Today we are starting to catch up – and we will win!”

At the Austria-wide event “For your better Austria”, SPÖ top candidate and chairman Andreas Babler emphasized to around 1,000 visitors in the festival tent on the Kaiserwiese in the Vienna Prater to a standing ovation: “Today we are starting the race to catch up!” The event took place in the Federal states were opened for the National Council election by the respective SPÖ top candidates – in live broadcasts from all federal states they promoted a strong SPÖ to great applause. In Vienna, top candidate Doris Bures and the candidates Heinrich Himmer and Barbara Teiber presented our ideas for a better and fairer Austria in a talk. The speech by SPÖ leader Babler, who took part in the event in Vienna, was broadcast live at all events. Babler emphasized: “I promise to use all my strength, passion and lifeblood every day, every hour and every minute to convince people that politics can improve conditions. People are never the problem, but the conditions under which they have to live!” The SPÖ leader emphasized that there were many comments and analyzes, but: “It is always people who decide the election! That’s why I’m convinced that we’ll start the big race to catch up today and win. We are the only force that enforces rights for people and that fundamentally sets us apart from our competitors!” The SPÖ leader is convinced: “We will win in every federal state and in every city!” ****

Babler emphasized: “On September 30th, I want to be able to look the supermarket cashier, the educators, the nursing staff, all the working people, the children and all the women in the eyes and say: We did it, from today on you will change Life for the better because the SPÖ has crossed the finish line as the strongest force!” It’s not about status or power, but “we’re setting out to re-understand politics and improve people’s lives,” said Babler about the “ radical break in the republic”.

In the direction of the black-green federal government, Babler spoke of a “complete failure” and the “worst balance sheet since 1945”: “Austria had the highest inflation rate in all of Western Europe, the government simply let the inflation slide through.” The 60 square meter apartment costs 200 Euros more, food costs 1,000 euros more a year than before. “They have no sense of the realities of life! I promise: We will intervene, we will fight inflation!”

Babler made a promise to strengthen health care again after years of clear-cutting by the ÖVP, FPÖ and the Greens. “Health is the most important thing,” said Babler, who emphasized that the SPÖ is the only political force that does not reduce people to supplicants, but rather gives them the right to good health care. “The Social Democrats will ensure that everyone gets a doctor’s appointment when they need it. It will take time to train more doctors, but we will address it immediately. We will guarantee security of supply and ensure more doctors in the public health system,” said the SPÖ leader.

In order to strengthen health care and improve living conditions, Babler called for a fair contribution from millions in assets and inheritances. “We say how we will finance our reforms. We demand relief for 98 percent of the population – that’s what it is when we talk about wealth taxes for the super-rich. We demand justice, that’s what drives us,” said Babler, who emphasized that five families in Austria own as much as half the population: “It’s like in the monarchy, that’s not normal.”

The National Council election on September 29th is a directional decision. “It’s about our democracy. We feel the radicalism and see the FPÖ’s network with right-wing extremists. We see the attacks on the rule of law, the media and personal rights. The duel is SPÖ against Herbert Kickl. We are the only force that can prevent the FPÖ and Kickl from coming to power. We will protect the republic from any attack,” said Babler, who emphasized to thunderous applause: “The SPÖ is the alternative. We set out for a better country and promise to improve the lives of every single person.” (End) ls/bj

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