For our economy: end the green dreams of LNG liquefied gas

Green gas rampage must be stopped:

The absurdity of the topic of LNG gas cannot be surpassed – especially when it comes from a Green minister who is not only damaging the local economy but also the environment.

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

What is actually going on with Minister Gewessler & Co. that they are now so vehemently demanding an end to gas deliveries from Russia (which are contractually agreed) by 2027? The domestic economy needs security of supply and stability in prices, both of which Gewessler wants to torpedo, while both local companies and private households are groaning under gas prices that are already far too high. Instead, dirty LNG gas from the USA will probably create a new dependency in the future: “Not with us,” says LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman.

Anyone who calls for a complete ban on Russian gas is at best a dream dancer: in December 2023, 98 percent of domestic gas imports came from Russia, in February 2024 it was 87 percent. If Gewessler & Co. have their way, this gas should be replaced by LNG liquefied gas, largely from the USA, which would be tantamount to a declaration of ecological and climate policy bankruptcy: The USA is now the EU’s most important liquefied gas supplier – even going so far as that one can already speak of a new dependency, only this time from the other side of the world map.

Among other things, the long transport of LNG from America to Europe means that the liquid gas actually has a worse climate footprint than coal – this is what a current scientific publication by methane researcher Robert W. Howarth from Cornell University (USA) says. Accordingly, the electricity generation from liquid gas has increased by up to 274 percent (!) more harmful than coal .

For MFG Austria it is clear: “This madness – like all other sanctions against Russia – must be stopped,” says Joachim Aigner. “The absurdity of the topic of LNG gas cannot be surpassed – especially when it comes from a Green minister who is not only damaging the local economy but also the environment. It worries me seriously that Ms. Gewessler is making such drastic and difficult-to-understand decisions with far-reaching negative consequences for our country.” Minister Gewessler now wants to force the exit from Russian gas through legal means: she recently submitted her draft law on the diversification obligation to the government partner ÖVP Gas supplier submitted. In the future, gas suppliers in Austria will be required to demonstrate an increasing share of non-Russian natural gas. This is intended to ensure that the share of Russian gas in domestic gas imports falls to 0 percent.

What Austria needs from the MFG’s perspective? A clear YES to the sensible use of the comparatively clean and cheap form of energy natural gas and compliance with concluded contracts. Russia has also proven to be an extremely reliable and cheap energy supplier in recent decades. Domestic resources such as those in Molln or the rich shale gas deposits must also be used – albeit under ecologically acceptable conditions. And the expansion of alternative forms of energy should also be promoted – but: “Decisions should never be made in the green climate madness and without consideration for nature. As with dealing with Russia as a reliable gas supplier, a sense of proportion is the order of the day here too,” says Joachim Aigner.

Questions & Contact:

MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

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