Flughafen Wien AG generates a significant increase in earnings and surpasses € 1 billion in revenue for the first time – Launch of an expansion drive – Dividend also rises
EQS-News: Flughafen Wien AG / Key word(s): Preliminary Results
Business Results for 2024: Flughafen Wien AG generates a significant increase in
earnings and surpasses € 1 billion in revenue for the first time – Launch of an
expansion drive – Dividend also rises

03.03.2025 / 07:30 CET/CEST
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Business Results for 2024: Flughafen Wien AG generates a significant increase in
earnings and surpasses € 1 billion in revenue for the first time – Launch of an
expansion drive – Dividend also rises


  • Financial performance indicators in 2024: Revenue increase of 13.0% to €
    1,052.7 million, EBITDA improvement of 12.4% to € 442.3 million and EBIT
    rise of 16.9% to € 306.1 million – Group net profit up 27.0% to € 239.5
    million – Positive outlook also for 2025 despite the economic slowdown


  • Good results support the construction and investment drive – CapEx in 2025
    will rise to about € 300 million, financed completely from the company’s own
    funds – Dividend for 2024 up to € 1.65 per share (2023: € 1.32)


  • Positive financial outlook also for 2025: Revenue of about € 1.080 million,
    EBITDA of approx. € 440 million and Group net profit of about € 230 million


  • EU overregulation drives up inflation and significantly burdens future
    development, thus an urgent need for correction


  • Passenger guidance: About 42 million passengers are expected in the
    Flughafen Wien Group and approx. 32 million passengers at Vienna Airport in



“Revenue in 2024 exceeded the 1 billion Euro mark for the first time – Good
earnings support the investment drive and serves as the basis for a high

“The desire to travel is back, which in turn bolsters the road to business
success of Flughafen Wien AG. All parameters are set to green. Revenue climbed
above the one billion Euro mark for the first time to € 1,052.7 million
(+13.0%), the Group net profit reached € 239.5 million (+27.0%), and the
dividend will rise to € 1.65 per share (2023: € 1.32). The investment drive
which has been launched foresees CapEx of € 300 million in 2025, which will be
completely financed from the company’s own funds. In this way, the airport will
be made fit for future growth. The change of course in the government programme
should be seen positively, as it includes a firm commitment to expanding
Austria’s role as an aviation hub. In contrast, EU overregulation is a burden
and urgently needs to be changed,” explains Günther Ofner, Joint CEO and CFO of
Flughafen Wien AG.


“Record passenger volume as an earnings driver – Strong summer travel season is
expected – Tenant acquisition for the Southern Expansion is underway”

“In the year 2024, we registered a record passenger volume of 31.72 million
travellers at Vienna Airport, which also significantly bolstered the revenue and
earnings development. We are cautiously optimistic concerning the year 2025 and
expect about 32 million passengers at Vienna Airport and 42 million in the
Flughafen Wien Group. The booking situation for the summer is good and we
anticipate a strong peak travel season. We are already preparing ourselves by
implementing modernisation measures in the terminals and increasing staff in the
operating areas such as security checkpoints and ground handling. The new
Terminal 3 Southern Expansion will be put into operation in 2027. Passengers
will enjoy an enhanced quality of their stay at the airport along with a greater
shopping and hospitality offering, new lounges and state-of-the-art security
checks on 70,000 m² of additional terminal space. Tenant acquisition for the
additional space is already in full swing. The government program of the new
Austrian Federal Government, which recognizes and confirms the great importance
of aviation as an economic and employment factor in Austria, gives us cause for
optimism,” states Julian Jäger, Joint CEO and COO of Flughafen Wien AG.

Dividend proposal: € 1.65 per share

The Management Board will propose a dividend of € 1.65/share for the year 2024
to the Annual General Meeting. All employees working for Flughafen Wien AG will
also profit via the employee foundation, which holds 10% of the company’s
shares. The dividend yield for 2024 will be 3.2%.


Business results in 2024: Revenue increase to € 1,052.7 million (+13.0%) and
rise in the Group net profit to € 239.5 million (+27.0%)

The Flughafen Wien Group generated total revenue of € 1,052.7 million in the
entire 2024 financial year, comprising a rise of 13.0% from the previous year.
Revenue growth was particularly driven by the substantial increase in passenger
volumes. EBITDA climbed to € 442.3 million, comprising a year-on-year increase
of 12.4%, whereas EBIT was up to € 306.1 million (+16.9%). The Group net profit
before minority interests in the full year 2024 rose to € 239.5 million
(+27.0%). The cash flow from operating activities showed a significant
improvement to € 443.7 million (+15.3%).


Improved revenue development in all segments

Revenue of the Airport Segment climbed from the prior-year level to € 506.6
million, which is primarily related to the good traffic development. Segment
EBIT improved to € 126.3 million. The Handling and Security Services Segment
registered a revenue increase to € 177.8 million, driven by the record volume of
air cargo. EBIT of the segment rose to € 8.6 million. The Retail & Properties
Segment reported a rise in revenue in 2024 to € 203.0 million. This increase can
be mainly attributed to the higher shopping, hospitality and parking income
relating to passenger growth. EBIT of this segment climbed to 7.0%)€ 93.9
million. Revenue of the Malta Segment was up to € 142.9 million in 2024 compared
to the prior-year period. Segment EBIT amounted to € 70.1 million.


Capital expenditure
A total of € 189.8 million was invested in intangible assets and property,
plant, and equipment as well as investment property in the year 2024 (2023: €
107.0 million). The largest investment project at Vienna Airport entailed
expenditures of € 73.4 million for the Southern Expansion project of Terminal 3.


Increased capital expenditure to approx. € 300 million in 2025

Despite the weak economic climate, Vienna Airport is investing heavily in the
further development of the flight hub and will increase its capital expenditure
to about € 300 million in the year 2025. The biggest single investment project
is the Terminal 3 Southern Expansion. Other investments involve the expansion of
Office Park 4 and modernization measures such as the renovation of Terminal 1A.


Passenger development forecast for 2025: About 42 million passengers expected in
the Flughafen Wien Group and approx. 32 million at Vienna Airport

Flughafen Wien AG expects approx. 32 million passengers at Vienna Airport and
about 42 million travellers in the Flughafen Wien Group (incl. Malta and Kosice
airports) for the entire year 2025.


Financial guidance for 2025

The Flughafen Wien Group expects total revenue to equal about € 1.08 billion by
the end of the year 2025, as well as EBITDA of approx. € 440 million and a Group
net profit for the year before non-controlling interests of about € 230 million.


The current passenger and financial guidance is based on the assumption that
there will not be any additional adverse geopolitical effects or massive
restrictions on flight traffic


The AirportCity continues to grow – numerous business location projects

In 2025, the boom in business location projects at the AirportCity is
continuing. The Austrian tour operator TUI is already relocating its corporate
headquarters to the airport site, and in the near future Helios will open
Austria’s largest logistics park spanning an area of 80.000 m². Austria’s fourth
largest hotel, the “Vienna House Easy” at Vienna Airport featuring 510 rooms,
will begin operating by the end of 2025. With more than 23,000 employees in 250
companies at the flight hub, Vienna Airport is the biggest employer in the
Eastern Region of Austria.


Construction work on the Southern Expansion is in full swing – enhanced quality
of stay and service for travellers

As part of its preparations to manage the expected passenger volume during the
summer travel season, Vienna Airport will hire an additional 300 employees,
especially in the operational areas in the terminal, at the security
checkpoints, in ground handling and other areas. At the same time, the airport
is expanding its service offering by adding an entertainment gate and new
KidsZones in the terminals. The new Terminal 3 Southern Expansion will be put
into operation in 2027. Construction work and tenant acquisition are in full
swing. New comfortable waiting and sitting areas as well as lounges, new bus
gates and numerous new shops and restaurants will be created over an area
covering 70.000 m².




All statements made in this press release that refer to future developments of
Flughafen Wien AG/Flughafen Wien Group are based on current assumptions and
forecasts of the management. If the premises for these forecasts do not occur or
risks indicated in the risk report arise, actual results may vary from these
estimates. Despite the utmost care, all forward-looking statements are therefore
made without guarantee and Flughafen Wien AG/Flughafen Wien Group assumes no
obligation to update these forward-looking statements or to adapt them to future
events or developments.



Consolidated Income Statement


in € million                                                         2024   2023
Revenue                                                           1,052.7  931.5
Other operating income                                               13.9   10.1
Operating income                                                  1,066.6  941.7
Expenses for consumables and purchased services                     -55.7  -54.1
Personnel expenses                                                 -386.1 -349.4
Other operating expenses                                           -190.1 -142.6
Reversals of impairment/impairment on receivables                     5.5   -2.9
Pro rata results of companies recorded at equity                      2.0    0.8
Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation           
(EBITDA)                                                            442.3  393.6
Depreciation and amortisation                                      -135.8 -131.8
Impairments                                                           0.4    0.0
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)                           306.1  261.8
Income from investments, excluding companies recorded at equity       0.8    0.4
Interest income                                                      17.2   15.9
Interest expense                                                     -2.8  -12.0
Other financial result                                                0.4   -8.3
Financial result                                                     15.5   -4.1
Earnings before taxes (EBT)                                         321.7  257.7
Income taxes                                                        -82.2  -69.1
Net profit for the period                                           239.5  188.6
Thereof attributable to:                                                        
Equity holders of the parent                                        216.3  168.4
Non-controlling interests                                            23.3   20.1
Earnings per share
(in €, basic = diluted)                                              2.58   2.01


 Balance Sheet Indicators


in € million               2024    2023
Non-current assets      1,717.7 1.662.7
Current assets            682.7   531.7
EQUITY & LIABILITIES:                  
Equity                  1,667.2 1.556.4
Non-current liabilities   320.2   292.6
Current assets            413.0   345.4
Total assets            2,400.4 2.194.4
Net liquidity             511.6   361.9


Cash Flow Statement


in € million                              2024   2023
Net cash flow from operating activities  443.7  384.8
                Investing activities    -329.4 -156.6
                Financing activities    -124.0 -301.5
Free Cash Flow                           114.2  228.2
CAPEX^1                                  189.8  107.0


 1. Excluding financial assets


The Annual Report and Financial Report of Flughafen Wien AG for 2024 from
January 1 December 31, will be available to the general public on the Internet



Vienna Airport, 3rd of March 2025      The Management Board


Contact: Corporate Communications of Flughafen Wien AG 


Press Office      
Peter Kleemann, Company Spokesman   

Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23000     

E-Mail: (1)p.kleemann@viennaairport.com   

Investor Relations
Mag. Bernd Maurer
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23126
E-Mail: b.maurer@viennaairport.com

Website: (2)www.viennaairport.com



03.03.2025 CET/CEST This Corporate News was distributed by EQS Group.


   Language:    English
   Company:     Flughafen Wien AG
                Postfach 1
                1300 Wien-Flughafen
   Phone:       +43-1-7007/23126
   Fax:         +43-1-7007/23806
   E-mail:      investor-relations@viennaairport.com
   Internet:    http://www.viennaairport.com
   ISIN:        AT00000VIE62
   WKN:         A2AMK9
   Indices:     ATX PRIME
   Listed:      Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt
                (Basic Board), Munich, Stuttgart, Tradegate Exchange; London,
                Nasdaq OTC, Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Market)
   EQS News ID: 2093721

   End of News EQS News Service

   2093721  03.03.2025 CET/CEST


   Visible links
   1. mailto:p.kleemann@viennaairport.com
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