Flood protection on the Schleinzbach and Schmida completed

LH deputy Pernkopf: 4.3 million euros for protection in Limberg, Niederschleinz and Frauendorf

St.Pölten (OTS) Recurring heavy rain events often led to devastating floods on the Schleinzbach and Schmida. That’s why a retention basin has now been opened in the Limberg quarry area owned by Hengl Mineral GmbH. The federal and state governments are each investing around 1.7 million euros for this. The remaining costs of almost one million euros will be borne by the communities of Sitzendorf an der Schmida and Maissau and the company Hengl Mineral GmbH.

“When it comes to flood protection, the safety of Lower Austrians comes first. Of course, there is never absolute security against natural disasters, but through new projects, renovations and expansions we reduce the risk as much as possible. This is also the case here with the flood protection project on the Schleinzbach and the Schmida,” explains LH deputy Stephan Pernkopf.

By completing the retention basin with a storage volume of 330,000 cubic meters, flood runoff can be significantly reduced on the one hand and drainage conditions improved on the other. In addition, protective measures were implemented in Niederschleinz and Frauendorf in the form of dams and walls over a length of 1.5 kilometers and widening of the water. Residential houses, commercial properties and streets are now protected. The construction work began in 2014 and was gradually implemented in coordination with the Hengl factory.

“Protecting the population from natural hazards such as floods is very important to me. As the responsible federal ministry, we are therefore constantly investing in structural measures and ecological improvements throughout Austria. We are providing around 1.7 million euros for flood protection on the Schleinzbach and Schmida. Every euro that we invest in flood protection is an investment for more safety, for more ecology and also supports the regional economy,” said Water Minister Norbert Totschnig at the opening.

“Since 2002, over 1.6 billion euros have been invested in around 800 flood protection projects in Lower Austria, making over 300 communities safer. There are still around 50 flood protection construction sites in Lower Austria every year – projects that also include revitalization measures are becoming increasingly important. Because with these measures we are giving the waters more space again,” concluded Pernkopf.

Further information: Press spokesman DI Jürgen Maier, LH Deputy Office. Dr. Stephan Pernkopf, telephone 02742/9005-12704, mobile 0676/81215283, email lhstv.pernkopf@noel.gv.at

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Office of the Lower Austrian State Government
State Office Directorate/Public Relations
Doris Zöger

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