FH of the BFI Vienna sets an example for a strong Europe

FH of the BFI Vienna sets an example for a strong Europe

Education is an “important pillar of democratic societies” – panel discussion at the University of Applied Sciences supports the “Universities Choose Europe” campaign

Vienna (OTS) Since its founding, the BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences has been closely linked to the European idea of ​​a common, strong and democratic Europe. The university is taking the upcoming elections to the European Parliament as an opportunity and is inviting you to a top-class panel discussion on the topic of the 2024 EU elections at the BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences.

As part of its international orientation, the University of Economics, Management and Finance is hosting a panel discussion with recognized experts on Thursday, May 16, 2024 under the title “EU Election 2024 – What does it take for a strong Europe”. Together with PRESS editor and moderator Michael Laczynski, Wolfgang Bogensberger (Head of the EU Commission Representation in Austria), Nini Tsiklauri (author and EU activist) and Sylvia Kritzinger (Institute for Political Science, University of Vienna) explore the question of what it is needed for a strong and fair Europe. The Vice President of the European Parliament, Evelyn Regner, gives input via video message. As part of the event, participants also have the opportunity to find out about the EU and the upcoming elections at a stand of the Austrian Liaison Office of the European Parliament.

With the event, the FH of the BFI Vienna is supporting the “Universities Choose Europe” campaign of the Austrian universities and technical colleges, which they are running together with the network Universities for Enlightenment (U4E) to call for participation in the 2024 EU elections. The FH will also publish posts and information about the EU elections on its social media channels from now until the election in June.

Education is an important pillar in democratic societies. Basic knowledge of social and political contexts as well as the most important institutions and how they function makes a crucial contribution to informed and free voting decisions. We see this as a socio-political mandate for us as a university of applied sciences to pass on this knowledge and engage in discourse with our stakeholders“, says Eva Schiessl-Foggensteiner, Managing Director of the BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences.

Successful European university networking

The BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences is now an associated member of the European University Initiative “U!REKA Shift”, in which, together with over 30 other European institutions, paths and solutions for a comprehensive change towards climate-neutral and ultimately climate-positive societies are to be researched and implemented.

Internationalization and the European perspective have always been central cross-sectional topics in all of our degree programs, as many pressing issues of our time can only be solved sustainably together with others. Membership in the European University Initiative “U!REKA Shift” is another milestone on this path. It is all the more important to us to call for people to take part in the 2024 EU elections and to strengthen democracy in Europe“, says Andreas Breinbauer, Rector of the University of Applied Sciences at the BFI Vienna.

About the FH of the BFI Vienna

The university with a strong international orientation offers a practice-oriented, business-oriented course offering with a focus on business, management and finance with ten bachelor’s and seven master’s degree programs – including two bachelor’s and two master’s programs in English as well as a joint master’s program with HTW Berlin. With over 80 partner universities worldwide, students at the BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences benefit from a wide range of opportunities to gain important international experience.

The university has also been a member of the UN Global Compact since 2017 and supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals with its actions. The BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences was the first university in Vienna to receive the FIBAA quality seal “Excellence in Digital Education” and the ECA certification “Quality in Program Internationalization” (CeQuInt). Since 2024 she has also been an associated member of the European University Initiative “U!REKA Shift”.

Panel discussion: EU elections 2024 – What does it take for a strong Europe?

Datum: May 16, 2024, 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m

Ort: bfi Vienna University of Applied Sciences, ballroom
Wohlmutstraße 22, 1020 Vienna, Austria


Questions & Contact:

BFI Vienna University of Applied Sciences. University of Economics, Management and Finance

Martin Vettori
Head of Marketing and Public Relations

Tel.: +43/1/720 12 86 344

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