Female power in technology: Looking for girls! TECH UP Role Model 2024

Female power in technology: Looking for girls!  TECH UP Role Model 2024

Vienna (OTS) The electrical and information technology industry urgently needs young talent. Female specialists in particular are in high demand. The OVE Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering is awarding the girls this year for the fourth time! TECH UP Role Model Award. The prize, worth 1,000 euros, puts technology-loving women in the spotlight and strengthens their role model function.

Although women in technical professions are no longer the exception, the potential is far from being exhausted. Despite excellent future prospects for female technicians and engineers, the proportion of women in technical training rarely exceeds the ten percent mark. The OVE young talent initiative Girls! TECH UP wants to change that, says initiator Michaela Leonhardt: Our industry offers women great career opportunities. Anyone who wants to help shape the future is in good hands in electrical engineering, information technology and the energy industry. Our girls! TECH UP role models are the best proof of this every year.

Inspiring videos with a role model effect

Whether HTL pupil, student, female apprentice or expert: Women who work professionally or as part of their training in the areas of electrical engineering, information technology and the energy industry can take part in the Role Model Award. An inspiring short video must be submitted in which one’s enthusiasm for the technology and the joy of the training or job can be felt. The submission deadline is September 25, 2024. Details and conditions of participation:

Award endowed with 1,000 euros for the first time

The girls! TECH UP Role Model 2024 will be determined through online voting in combination with a jury evaluation. This year, for the first time, the award is endowed with 1,000 euros. The official handover will take place at an exclusive evening event on November 13, 2024. The award will be presented for the fourth time this year. In 2021 it went to Raphaela Bortoli, technical trainer at Siemens AG Austria, in 2022 Nina Greilberger, electrical engineering apprentice at KNG Kärnten Netz GmbH, won, and last year Hüzüme Erkaptan, project engineer at Toyota Material Handling Austria, won the race.

Experience day on October 11th in Vienna

The Role Model Award is part of the Girls initiative! TECH UP of the OVE Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering. The next adventure day with numerous hands-on stations, technology to attack and numerous female role models on site will take place on October 11, 2024 in Vienna. OVE General Secretary Peter Reichel: Women not only find a wide range of opportunities in our industry, but also above-average pay and very good conditions – for example when it comes to combining work and family. With our youth initiatives, we want to reach as many girls as possible and draw attention to the attractive professional world of electrical and information technology.

About the OVE:
The OVE Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering is a modern and independent industry platform and actively shapes the development of electrical engineering and information technology in times of digital change. The OVE connects science and research, business, energy companies and users and promotes the success of the industry with numerous further training offers. As an electrotechnical standardization organization and with its other core areas of certification and lightning research, the association officially represents Austrian interests in international committees. For more information visit our website

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering OVE
Mag. Cornelia Schaupp
Press & Communication
+43 1 587 63 73 – 534

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