The Federal Council Today, today the most recent decisions of the National Council on budget renovation, such as the end of the educational leave and a new rent brake for the regulated housing market, unanimously sealed. A new credit service provider and credit seller law to implement an EU directive was also unanimously adopted. The Federal Council also took note of it unanimously: Inside the report of the prosecutor’s office in 2023.
In addition to the end of the educational leave, the package of measures for budget consolidation also includes an extension of the energy crisis contribution for energy companies, the abolition of sales tax exemption for small photovoltaic systems and the inclusion of e-car and electric motorcycles into the engine-related insurance tax.
From for educational leave and further consolidation measures
As far as educational leave is concerned, the further training allowance and the part -time part -time allowance will expire on March 31, 2025. Educational leave and part -time education can continue to be agreed with the employer in the future, and state support for employees: In this time, however, there will no longer be any inside. However, a transitional arrangement has been anchored for or impending education. If an educational leave in modules has been agreed, open modules can be completed if there is an approved claim by the labor market service by the end of March 2025. These regulations should also apply if an agreement has been concluded by the end of February 2025 and the educational measure begins on May 31, 2025 at the latest.
The Budget renovation measures law 2025 But also contains numerous other measures to reduce the budget deficit. The sales tax exemption for photovoltaic modules is canceled from April 1, 2025, whereby a transitional regulation is scheduled for contracts concluded before March 7. The exemption from motor -related insurance tax for electric vehicles will also fall from the beginning of April. However, according to explanations, at least a certain tax improvement of the electric vehicles should be maintained. Mopeds with electrical drive should continue to be liberated in the future.
In addition, the top tax rate of 55 % is extended by another four years – until 2029 – and the legal transaction fee for bets for bets from 2 % to 5 % of the betting operations is increased. To increase tobacco tax volume, the minimum consumption tax on cigarettes from 163 ꞓ to 175 ꞓ each 1,000 each is increased. Tobacco for heating is also taxed more. On the one hand, banks should make a contribution to budget renovation by increasing the stability tax and on the other hand by special payments in 2025 and 2026 in the amount of around 300 million ꞓ.
With the extension of the energy crisis contribution current (EKB-S), market revenues (surplus proceeds), which are over 90 ꞓ per megawatt hour, are skimmed up for systems that were put into operation before April 1, 2025. A threshold of 100 ꞓ per megawatt hour applies to systems that will be put into operation from April 1. The measure should apply for five years. As in the past, there is a deductible amount for favored investments. For the energy crisis contribution Fossil energy sources (EKB-F) of 40 % of the assessment basis, the last survey period should end with the calendar year 2029. The EKB-F is to be paid for taxable profits that are more than 5 % above the average amount.
In addition, the opposition parties FPÖ and Greens remained in the minority. So the freedoms are committed to abolishing the CO2 tax. The Greens in turn called for a withdrawal of the cuts in climate funding. For example, they want a socially just adaptation of the climate monus and a abolition or reform of the climate -damaging subsidies. Likewise, the Greens campaigned for educational leave to maintain them in a sensibly reformed form.
Debate on consolidation measures
State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance Barbara Eibinger-Miedl emphasized in her first speech in the Country Chamber that she would have special appreciation to the Federal Council as a former member. In challenging times, it was important to quickly make the right decisions. In the form of a medium -sized company package, impulses have already been announced for the economy, and the reduction in bureaucracy will also be rapidly going. With today’s package for consolidation, a big step succeeds in a short time, Eibinger-Miedl was convinced-especially to avoid EU deficit procedures. In their view, profound reforms will also be necessary. In any case, the claim is to make “grandchildren’s politics” together.
Michael Bernard (FPÖ/N) criticized the former federal government that enormous budget deficits were caused. In the present program of the now government, he misses forward -looking reforms. From his point of view, it also represents the opposite of an industrial cranking. In addition, the population will be burdened with one billion euros this year, with further savings still missing.
Elisabeth Kittl (Greens/W) again complained that the federal government was abolishing measures that were good for the climate, but also for the economy and the labor market. It is not taken seriously or a prudent social policy, according to their criticism. As far as the educational leave is concerned, she would hope for reforms, like Simone Jagl (Greens), instead of abolishing it. With the abolition, for example, the risk of a stricter shortage of skilled workers and that women exit the labor market entirely.
Dominik Reisinger (SPÖ/O) emphasized the measures, the bank tax, the energy crisis contribution and the extension of the top tax rate. The gambling groups would now also contribute to the increase in the betting fee. The package is an indispensable part of the consolidation to get Austria back on track. Christoph Thoma (ÖVP/V) countered the criticism of the Greens that climate protection with financial policy reason had now come into Austria. He pointed out the challenges of recent years, for example, through the war of attack in Ukraine when it comes to energy. In any case, consolidation is not an end in itself, but a necessity.
Rent brake for regulated housing market
In order to relieve tenants: to relieve the inside, under the turquoise-green government has already intervened in the regulated housing market. Now the Federal Council has another one on the initiative of the new triple coalition Relief measure unanimously approved. This means that rents in old building, community and cooperative apartments are temporarily frozen and only valorized again in the coming year. In the next step, according to the coalition parties, a new value security clause for all apartments – and thus also for new buildings – should follow.
No majority received the Greens’ own motion for resolution. Among other things, they called for a rental price for all rents until the end of 2026, a ban on temporary apartment rental contracts for commercial landlords and an interest -bearing cover for all existing “housing loans”.
The federal government has now found a good solution for the rents, said Günther Ruprecht (ÖVP/st). At the same time it was important to play tenants: inside and landlord: not to play against each other inside. Similar to Martin Peterl (SPÖ/N), he also pointed out planned rental cover for the coming years. In any case, a milestone is placed with the law, the tenant: to benefit directly and not only a housing policy, but also a socio -political success.
Günter Pröller (FPÖ/O) pointed out that the rental brake would not be immediately noticeable. In addition, it remains to be seen whether the measure will damage the housing market itself. In any case, more incentives for residential construction and less bureaucracy are needed.
Affordable living is not only a question of existence, but also of social advancement, said Elisabeth Kittl (Greens/W). As far as temporary rents are concerned, their point of view would have to be completely abolished by commercial landlords. She also pointed out the problem that this measure could be built less and that fewer cooperative apartments could come onto the market.
EU directive on necessary loans
The Federal Council has unanimously for a new one Credit service provider and credit seller law pronounced. Austria thus implements an EU directive. The aim is to establish an efficient secondary market for needy loans in Europe through a uniform legal framework for credit service providers and buyers. For example, credit institutions who have many needy loans and do not have the personnel or expertise in order to properly manage them to be able to sell them more easily to a credit buyer with the necessary willingness to take risks and property competence. As the responsible authority, the financial market statement authority (FMA) should receive the necessary supervisory, investigation and sanction powers.
The template represents the part of a package to reduce the stocks in need, said Dominik Reisinger (SPÖ/O). It is a long overdue legislative package, especially since the EU has already opened a breach of contract. The change serves a uniform legal basis, said Markus Steinmaurer (FPÖ/O), but will not be used often in Austria. In his view, it would be much more important to abolish the KIM regulation so that young families can afford their own home or a condominium. According to Günther Ruprecht (ÖVP/ST), however, the KIM regulation will be “history” from June anyway, as he said.
11,380 test procedures of the public prosecutor in 2023
With your Activity report For 2023, the public prosecutor’s office tries to sensitize the legislation on the basis of case studies to the existing need for improvement. She sees financial and personnel resource deficiencies as the main cause of grievances, both in the Austrian administration and in the maintenance of human rights. In 2023, 23,124 complaints reached the public prosecutor’s office, 16,655 the public administration concerned. The National Council’s control body initiated a total of 11,380 test methods last year. 7,802 of this concerned the Federal Administration, the rest of the state and local government. In almost a fifth – 2,437 – the 12,752 test procedure completed last year, the National Council’s control body found a gravity. The public prosecutor’s office initiated 90 proceedings due to suspicion of displeasure in relation to the administration. In its function as a national prevention mechanism with constitutional mandate, the commissions of the prosecutor’s office carried out a total of 505 checks in the reporting year.
The report of the independent pension commission to compensate for home sacrifice deals with the report in its own section. The Commission has been set up with the Endermost Office since 2017 and acts as a umbrella organization under the Sacrifice of Home Penerates. In 2023, 660 applications for compensation received. Since its facility, a total of around 3,500 applications have been made by people who have not yet received compensation. (Conclusion Bundesrat) MBU
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