Federal Army: 50 soldiers complete disaster relief course

Federal Army: 50 soldiers complete disaster relief course

AFDRU personnel increases to 600

Vienna (OTS) From July 1st to July 7th, 2024, the disaster relief unit of the Austrian Armed Forces, the “Austrian Forces Disaster Relief Unit” (AFDRU), trained new personnel in a basic course. At the Tritolwerk training area near Wiener Neustadt, 50 course participants practiced operations after an environmental or natural disaster. The aim of the AFDRU is to save lives as part of international disaster relief. This unit was last deployed following the earthquakes in Turkey in 2023.

Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner: “The AFDRU’s operations have shown that the Federal Army can be deployed at any time and anywhere to help, support and save human lives. The willingness to travel to crisis and disaster areas within a very short time clearly shows the commitment of everyone who decides to be there in times of need. This makes realistic training all the more important in order to be able to act accordingly in an emergency. I would like to thank all the soldiers and civilian emergency services who are ready for these operations with such dedication and courage.”

During the basic course, professional and militia soldiers train together with the volunteer fire department, the Samaritan Association or the mountain rescue service and other civilian emergency organizations. Through joint training, processes and skills are optimized so that we can work together efficiently and effectively in an emergency. Among other things, training included rescuing and rescuing people, finding and neutralizing NBC weapons, caring for the wounded and extinguishing fires. The course participants practiced under extreme conditions such as lack of sleep or physical stress. The intensive training prepares the participants for future missions as realistically and operationally as possible. Completing the course is a prerequisite for international deployment in the disaster area. In addition, continuous training takes place.

The AFDRU was founded in 1990 and has been involved in operations both directly and indirectly since 1997. The unit is made up of volunteers from the active and militia ranks. If necessary, soldiers and military equipment are ready for international deployment within a few hours. Within the AFDRU there are six different teams of 60 to 85 people each. The disaster relief unit has already been deployed in Iran and Turkey after earthquakes, for water treatment in Mozambique and Pakistan and in Sri Lanka after tsunamis. The responsibility for deployment and formation lies with the command of the NBC defense center.

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