Farmers fight back | MGN Milk Cooperative Lower Austria, October 27, 2024

Farmers fight back | MGN Milk Cooperative Lower Austria, October 27, 2024
Austria (OTS) –

Managing Director of the MGN Milk Cooperative Lower Austria, Ing. Leopold Gruber-Doberer: “After the price negotiations with the Spar company did not lead to an acceptable result, the MGN dairy farmers announced a delivery stop for NÖM milk products.

This delivery stop is essential to show that there must be fairness in the performance and investment of our companies; this is the only way we can sustainably secure and keep our structure of regional family businesses in Austria alive.”

Behind 2,200 farms from Lower Austria, Eastern Styria and Burgenland are exclusively families who have been farming dairy for many generations and whose livelihoods depend on the fair marketing of their milk.

Nevertheless, there are information boards in front of the empty shelves at SPAR that inform you that the price increases that NÖM is demanding for its products are not acceptable. “This is justified by supposedly falling raw material and energy prices. The question here is which families are currently actually affected by such reductions. Neither the families of our consumers nor our farmers can currently look forward to financial relief. There is obvious misinformation here “, says Gruber-Doberer.

In addition, high standards in animal husbandry and sustainability were implemented by all MGN farmers at considerable additional cost before the laws came into force. All farming families acted even more strictly on the farm than the legal requirements require. “It is painful to see how cheap imports from abroad, which do not have to live up to these high standards, find their way onto our shelves and how regional added value is not valued,” emphasizes Gruber-Doberer, who has been in the managing director for 27 years functions of the MGN.

Investments that could hardly be mapped out in advance were implemented on the farms. In addition, the Animal Husbandry PLUS specifications were seamlessly incorporated due to the good preparatory work of all MGN farmers. “It is not for nothing that all MGN farmers care about the health of their animals, as they ensure the existence of the entire family,” says Ing. Leopold Gruber-Doberer, confirming everyone’s commitment.


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