The drought in southern Africa is breaking new negative records: The United Nations is calling it the worst dry period in over 100 years; more than 24 million people are affected by hunger, malnutrition and water shortages due to the extreme weather conditions. Due to the catastrophic famine, Kindernothilfe is launching an emergency aid program with 60,000 euros; further financial resources are urgently needed.
The drought is particularly severe in southern Zambia, in the Choma region. The majority of the population here depends on agriculture and its livestock. The animals die or have to be sold in excess at cheap prices so that the families can feed their children with the little money they have. Food prices are higher than ever, there are hardly any fresh vegetables or fruit left. The famine is so severe that the Zambian president has declared a national emergency. Without outside help there is no survival for people.
Together with the children’s emergency aid partner BIC-CCDP, Kindernothilfe is launching an emergency aid program in seven regions to offer a warm meal to children in rural schools who are worst affected by the famine. The direct target group of the school feeding program are almost 5,000 children between the ages of five and 17 from seven schools in which Kindernothilfe works through its partner.
From now on, once a day all children receive warm porridge made from high-calorie corn flour, peanut flour, salt and sugar – the food is prepared directly at the school. In schools, teaching takes place in two shifts – half of the children learn in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. So that everyone gets something to eat, the morning students receive their porridge as a late breakfast and the afternoon children receive their lunch when they come to school.
In order for the school feeding program to be offered at other schools, financial resources are urgently needed – Kindernothilfe is therefore asking for donations. Further information and donation options can be found here: