Ezzes by Estis: Irrational nonsense

How much money do you have to have in order to be exposed by the Pommfritzbudentum members as a member of international financial Jewry?

Photo: picture alliance/dpa | Karl Josef Hildenbrand

Since I found out about its existence, I’ve been asking myself: How do I finally become part of international financial Jewry? People talk about it everywhere; and if I belong to Judaism, which brings with it more disadvantages than it offers no advantages, then I would like to have at least something of it, if not advantages, then some other parts, and better still parts.

So I ask myself: How do I become a member of international financial Jewry? I wonder that – but I don’t know. If I knew, of course I wouldn’t ask myself, although on the other hand it would make sense to ask someone who knows, in this case myself.

But since I don’t know, I don’t need to ask myself what I’m doing anyway, and I just have to answer: I don’t know how I become a member of international financial Jewry. I don’t even know how to become a member of the national financial Judaism or at least the regional one, for example the financial Judaism of Borstel-Hohenraden.

Ezzes by Estis

Magnus Terhorst

Alexander Estis, a freelance Jew without a permanent address, writes so much schmontz in this column that it will make you sick to your stomach.

Does Borstel-Hohenraden even have financial Judaism? That is at least as much certain as I would take in interest if I were part of the financial Jewry there. But whether Borstel-Hohenraden has financial Judaism or not – it definitely works just as secretly as the international one.

Why does financial Judaism work in secret? So that it can be exposed. In order to expose financial Jewry, it is necessary to observe the financial flows very closely, especially through conversations with others who also observe them through conversations with still others. Therefore, Financial Judaism and its members are usually exposed by people who are themselves members, for example of the Pommfritzbudentum.

At what point do you belong to the Pommfritzbudentum? From the moment one said “financial Judaism” for the first time and looked at it so meaningfully that it became immediately clear how it works in secret.

But at what point do you become part of financial Judaism? Poor Mojsche, for example, found a coin last week. Does he already belong to financial Judaism? If so, then I should definitely be part of it. Because I have more money today than ever before. I’ve never had money before – and I have just as much today.

Of course it depends on how you count. If you count correctly, I have quite a lot of money: Firstly, I don’t have enough money for rent, secondly, I don’t have enough money for electricity, thirdly, I don’t have enough money for water, fourthly, I don’t have enough money for the doctor , fifthly, I don’t have enough money for the in-laws, sixthly, I don’t have enough money for the seventh child, seventhly, I don’t have enough money for the sixth child. And when you put it all together, it’s quite a lot.

Nevertheless, I do not belong to international financial Jewry. So to speak, I don’t belong to high finance, but to low finance. After all, I am a freelance writer, and free means almost the same as free of charge. Furthermore, I have to write to live, even though I already make a living from writing. At the same time, unfortunately, I edit faster than I write, so there is almost as little left of writing as there is of living. And that’s why instead of international financial Judaism, I’m talking about irrational nonsense Judaism at best.

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