EU Senior Expert Porrero receives Roland Wagner Award

Austrian Computer Society awards prize for accessibility

Vienna (OTS) Accessibility is often seen as a niche topic, but it affects almost everyone sooner or later in life. Comprehensive accessibility is therefore also essential in the digital sector and benefits society as a whole. The award winner would certainly also use this sentence Roland Wagner Awards Sign 2024: The EU Senior Expert on Accessibility and Assistive Technologies Inmaculada Placencia Porrero has been politically committed to promoting accessibility – also with regard to new technologies – at the European and international level for more than 30 years.

Inmaculada Placencia Porrero is the architect behind the European Accessibility Act (EAA). The EAA is the ‘game changer’ in digital accessibility. What was previously often dismissed as a nuisance or “charity” is now enshrined in law and can be demanded. Interest is increasing and with it the demand for expertise and intelligent solutions“, Klaus Miesenberger, from the Johannes Kepler University Linz and jury member, explains the decision.

Law for better accessibility

Die Austrian Computer Society (OCG) has been presenting the Roland Wagner Award every two years since 2001 to people who are committed to digital accessibility and technical support for people with disabilities. “Politics must ensure that people with disabilities can actually exercise the rights to which they are entitled and that their socio-economic participation and situation is improved. Inmaculada Placencia Porrero has succeeded in bringing about sustainable changes at the European level that will lead to a more inclusive society in the long term. An important step has been taken with the European Accessibility Act – one of the world’s most progressive accessibility laws“, says OCG President Wilfried Seyruck.

Placencia Porrero has a degree in physics and computer science and worked in research and development before joining the European Commission in 1991. She is the first European and EU official elected to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The prize was awarded as part of the ICCHP 24 (International Conference on Computers Helping People) at the JKU Linz. Inmaculada Placencia Porrero donates the prize money (3,000 EUR) to support the participation of young scientists who want to take part in the next ICCHP 2026.

Pioneer Roland Wagner

Roland Wagner was an ICT pioneer for accessibility in Austria and the driving force in this area for many years. His early visionary understanding of the role of ICT in improving the life prospects of people with disabilities and his committed advocacy for equal rights have provided important impetus for a change in social awareness.

Questions & Contact:

Austrian Computer Society (OCG)
Irina Scheitz

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