EU Parliament caves to surrogacy lobby

Yesterday the EU Parliament voted in favor of Europe-wide parenthood certificates, which would make cross-border surrogacy easier.

Vienna (OTS) “The EU Parliament’s decision is a betrayal of women’s and children’s rights, a kowtow to the surrogacy lobby and a shocking ignorance of the fact that surrogacy is based on global injustice.”says Mag. Martina Kronthaler, Secretary General of action life austria shocked by the voting behavior of the Austrian MPs.

The parenthood certificate is a proposal from the EU Commission, pushed forward by President Ursula von der Leyens, to strengthen LGBTIQ rights. This is intended to recognize parenthood established in one country in every other country in the EU.

Surrogacy banned in most countries

“We understand the desire that no child can be illegal. However, this should not lead to the promotion of undesirable techniques such as surrogacy. Surrogacy is banned in most EU countries and usually means child trafficking and exploitation of women. If the parenthood certificate comes, it will be much more difficult to curb cross-border surrogacy.”Kronthaler recalls previous votes by the EU Parliament in which it judged surrogacy to be a “serious problem” and “exploitation of the female body”.

Kronthaler: “This vote result is a clear victory for the pro-surrogacy lobby. It would have been possible to exclude surrogacy or at least condemn it, as it has done so far. That didn’t happen. On the contrary: it is definitely not about surrogacy ‘on the side’, but ‘especially’ about surrogacy.”

Voting result

The EU Parliament’s vote on December 14, 2023 produced a clear result for a Europe-wide parenthood certificate with 355 yes to 145 no votes with 23 abstentions. All Austrian MPs from the SPÖ, ÖVP and Greens voted for it. The FPÖ MPs voted against it. There were no abstentions from Austrian MPs, as some MPs from other countries chose this route. The EU Parliament only has an advisory function. The decision on the parenthood certificate is made by the EU Council, i.e. by the ministers of the federal states.

Critical information on surrogacy

Critical information about surrogacy can be found at (Side of action life austria) and on the website of the Stop Surrogacy Association

Questions & Contact:

action life austria
Mag. Martina Kronthaler
Secretary General
01/512 52 21-16

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