EU election: top candidates answer the adult education centers

EU election: top candidates answer the adult education centers

Candidates from the SPÖ, NEOS, ÖVP and the Greens emphasize the value of adult education for society

Vienna (OTS) “On the occasion of the EU elections, the Austrian adult education centers are not only promoting the highest possible voter turnout. They have also asked all top candidates from the parties and lists that are already running for a statement on adult education by mid-April. On the website of the Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers (VÖV), we are now bringing these statements closer to the 700,000 participants in the adult education centers,” explains VÖV General Secretary John Evers.

This is what the top candidates say to the adult education centers

Andreas Schieder (SPÖ) In his statement, he describes adult education as a mainstay of our education system: “Especially as a social democrat, equal opportunities in education is a central concern of mine. Not everyone has the opportunity to follow the traditional educational path, so it must be possible to continue training later in life. At the same time, our world is developing ever faster and technical progress in particular is unstoppable. Lifelong learning is therefore indispensable and even essential for our economy. Therefore it must be promoted accordingly.”

Helmut Brandstätter (NEOS) responds to the adult education centers in his letter: “For NEOS, good education – and of course this also includes adult education – is a central concern. We see the reality that initial training is only rarely sufficient for the entire working life. We believe that lifelong learning must be affordable, easily accessible and transparent! To ensure greater transparency, we propose an education account.”

Reinhold Lopatka (ÖVP) names challenges in its statement, such as demographic developments or advancing digitalization: “Investing in lifelong learning is an important step, as is the promotion of general and vocational training. In this way, we improve the employability of citizens on the labor market. The Union can help ensure that people of all ages have access to adult education and educational programs, especially in rural areas (…).”

Lena Schilling (Greens) emphasizes, among other things, aspects of quality in adult education: “The funding for adult education centers, but also other adult and adult education institutions that are essentially dedicated to general education, should of course be improved and, above all, increased, and yes, we can do that Join the demand for 1% of the education budget. We have to ensure that the offers are subject to quality control. Above all, esoteric or pseudo-medical offerings have no place in adult education.”

A high response rate is a positive sign for the concerns of the adult education centers

“The high response to our request shows the appreciation for the work of the adult education centers and also their broad political acceptance. It would be important if this were reflected in even better use and financing of the adult education center network. In addition to individual funding, targeted investments are needed in adult education centers in order to be able to optimally use this network for such important educational policy concerns as democracy education or digitalization. The adult education centers also demonstrably reach all parts of society, especially those with low formal qualifications, thanks to their wide range of offerings. At the same time, the fact that the FPÖ was the only party that did not give us any feedback is also an indication that the FPÖ does not care about adult education centers as the largest adult education organization in the republic with a great democratic tradition,” comments VÖV board chairman Gerwin Müller Result of the survey.

Democracy focus of adult education centers

The year 2024 will be marked by democracy for adult education centers. As places of dialogue, the 256 adult education centers and 1,000 VHS locations offer their 700,000 participants space for discussion, particularly in formats and initiatives that strive for peace, democracy and human rights. All offerings at adult education centers are science-based. In addition, the adult education centers are calling for equal treatment of general and vocational education, equal participation of adult education in central federal education initiatives and an increase in federal funding for adult education to one percent of the education budget.

Questions & Contact:

Association of Austrian Adult Education Centers
+43 699 189 175 29
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