EQS-PVR: Wienerberger AG: Release according to Article 135, Section
2 BörseG with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

EQS Voting Rights Announcement: Wienerberger AG
Wienerberger AG: Release according to Article 135, Section 2 BörseG with
the objective of Europe-wide distribution

02.02.2024 / 11:30 CET/CEST
Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement transmitted by EQS News – a
service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


Major holdings notification pursuant to Sec. 130 to 134 BörseG 2018


London,  1.2.2024



☐ Notification made after deadline

Caution: In case of violations of major holdings notification rules,
please pay attention to Section 137 BörseG 2018 (Suspension of voting


1. Issuer: Wienerberger AG

2. Reason for the notification: Acquisition or disposal of financial/other

3. Person subject to notification obligation
Klaus Umek

4. Name of shareholder(s): Klaus Umek, Petrus Advisers Ltd., Petrus
Advisers Investments Fund L.P.

5. Date on which the threshold was crossed or reached: 30.1.2024


6. Total positions

    % of voting rights    
% of voting through   Total number
rights financial/other Total of voting
attached to instruments (7.B.1 + of both rights of
shares (7.A) 7.B.2) in % issuer
(7.A +
Resulting situation        
on the date on 1,36 % 5,10 % 6,46 % 111 732 343
which threshold was
crossed / reached
Position of        
previous 1,72 % 4,65 % 6,38 %
notification (if




7. Notified details of the resulting situation:


A: Voting rights attached to shares
ISIN Code Number of voting rights % of voting rights
Direct Indirect Direct Indirect
(Sec 130 BörseG (Sec 133 BörseG (Sec 130 (Sec 133
2018) 2018) BörseG 2018) BörseG
AT0000831706 616 865 899 422 0,55 % 0,80 %
SUBTOTAL A 1 516 287 1,36 %



B 1: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 1
BörseG 2018
Type of Expiration Date Exercise Number of voting % of
instrument Period rights that may voting
be rights
acquired if the
instrument is
Call Option February 2024 – June Anytime 5 700 000 5,10 %
    SUBTOTAL B.1 5 700 000 5,10 %



B 2: Financial / Other Instruments pursuant to Sec. 131 para. 1 No. 2
BörseG 2018
Type of Expiration Exercise Physical / Number % of
instrument Date Period Cash of voting
Settlement voting rights
      SUBTOTAL B.2    



8. Information in relation to the person subject to the notification

☐ Person subject to the notification obligation is not controlled by any
natural person or legal entity and does not control any other
undertaking(s) holding directly or indirectly an interest in the
(underlying) issuer.

☒ Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights
and/or the financial/other instruments are effectively held starting with
the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entity:

Directly Shares held Financial/other Total
No. Name controlled by  directly instruments held of both
No. (%)  directly (%) (%)
1 Klaus Umek   0,55 %   0,55 %
2 Petrus Advisers 1 0,06 %   0,06 %
Petrus Advisers
3 Investments General 2      
Partner Inc.
Petrus Advisers
4 Investments Fund 3 0,56 % 5,10 % 5,66 %



9. In case of proxy voting

Date of general meeting: –

Voting rights after general meeting: – is equivalent to – voting rights.


10. Sonstige Kommentare:

The numbers notified above do not include the voting rights from 3,776
shares and from 750,000 long call options held by UI Petrus Advisers
Special Situations Fund as of 30 January 2024. Klaus Umek / Petrus
Advisers Ltd. can only issue recommendations on the exercise of the voting
rights concerned but cannot otherwise exercise any further influence.
Therefore, these voting rights are not to be attributed to Klaus Umek /
Petrus Advisers for the purpose of this notification but are merely
disclosed in this Section 10 of this notification for full transparency


The 899,422 voting rights from shares notified under section 7.A
(indirect) include 209,790 voting rights that are attributable to Petrus
Advisers Ltd. based on voting proxies granted by natural persons and are
therefore not reflected under section 8.



 London am  1.2.2024



02.02.2024 CET/CEST


Language: English
Company: Wienerberger AG
Wienerbergerplatz 1
1100 Wien
Internet: www.wienerberger.com

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1828589  02.02.2024 CET/CEST

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