EQS-News: Lenzing Group: Joint venture LD Celulose successfully prices Green Notes

EQS-News: Lenzing Group: Joint venture LD Celulose successfully prices Green Notes
   EQS-News: Lenzing AG / Key word(s): Bond/Sustainability
   Lenzing Group: Joint venture LD Celulose successfully prices Green Notes

   27.09.2024 / 11:45 CET/CEST
   The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


   Lenzing Group: Joint venture LD Celulose successfully prices Green Notes


     • Pricing of USD 650 million senior secured green notes (the “Green
       Notes”) at a coupon of 7.950 percent per annum from the joint venture
       LD Celulose
     • The offering was oversubscribed by 4.6 times as a result of high
       demand from institutional investors


   Lenzing – The Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of regenerated cellulose
   fibers for the textile and nonwovens industries, announces that LD
   Celulose International GmbH (the “Issuer”), a wholly owned subsidiary of
   its Brazilian joint venture, LD Celulose S.A. (“LDC”), has successfully
   priced the offering of Green Notes in an aggregate principal amount of USD
   650 million.


   The Green Notes, which mature on January 25, 2032 and bear a coupon of
   7.950 percent per annum, were met with high demand from institutional


   Part of the new financing structure of LDC with a total value of USD 1
   billion is also a syndicated term loan in the amount of USD 350 million.
   LDC intends to use the net proceeds from this offering, in addition to an
   amount equivalent to the proceeds from the disbursement under the term
   loan, and cash on hand, to permanently repay in full the existing
   financing agreements and to allocate an amount equivalent to the proceeds
   of the offering of the Notes to finance and refinance eligible investments
   in accordance with the Green Financing Framework.


   “The Lenzing Group has been a pioneer in the sustainable textile and
   nonwovens industry and the production of dissolving wood pulp for decades
   and has a clear plan to further green its production”, Rohit Aggarwal, CEO
   of the Lenzing Group, stated. “The investors’ interest for LDC’s Green
   Notes is also a result of our sustainability efforts.”


   Nico Reiner, CFO of the Lenzing Group: “With the successful transaction,
   LDC will convert the existing project financing, which enabled the
   erection of one of the world’s largest dissolving wood pulp plant, into a
   standalone corporate finance structure. It is another milestone for the
   joint venture after having surpassed expectations in respect of its
   nominal design capacity of 500,000 tons per year.”


   The Green Notes will be issued by the Issuer and guaranteed by LDC and LD
   Florestal S.A. The Green Notes will be listed on the Singapore Stock



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   Your contact for                                          
   Public Relations:                               Investor Relations:
   Dominic Köfner                                     Sébastien Knus
   Vice President Corporate Communications &  Vice President Capital Markets
   Public Affairs                               Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft
   Lenzing Aktiengesellschaft                  Werkstraße 2, 4860 Lenzing,
   Werkstraße 2, 4860 Lenzing, Austria                   Austria
   Phone   +43 7672 701 2743                   Telefon   +43 7672 701 3599
   E-mail   (2)             E-Mail     (4)
   Web      (3)                Web        (5)



   About the Lenzing Group
   The Lenzing  Group  stands  for eco-responsible  production  of  specialty
   fibers based on cellulose and recycled material. As an innovation  leader,
   Lenzing is  a partner  of global  textile and  nonwoven manufacturers  and
   drives  many   new  technological   developments.  The   Lenzing   Group’s
   high-quality fibers form the basis  for a variety of textile  applications
   ranging from functional, comfortable  and fashionable clothing to  durable
   and sustainable home textiles. Due  to their special properties and  their
   botanical origin, the TÜV certified biodegradable and compostable  Lenzing
   fibers are also highly suitable for everyday hygiene products.
   The business  model  of  the Lenzing  Group  goes  far beyond  that  of  a
   traditional fiber  producer. Together  with  its customers  and  partners,
   Lenzing develops innovative products along the value chain, creating added
   value  for  consumers.  The  Lenzing  Group  strives  for  the   efficient
   utilization and processing of  all raw materials  and offers solutions  to
   help transform  the  textile industry  from  the current  linear  economic
   system towards a circular economy. In order to reduce the speed of  global
   warming and thus also support the  targets of the Paris Agreement and  the
   EU Commission’s “Green Deal”, Lenzing has developed a clear  science-based
   climate action  plan  that aims  to  significantly reduce  greenhouse  gas
   emissions by 2030 and a net-zero goal (scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2050.
   Key Facts & Figures Lenzing Group 2023
   Revenue: EUR 2.52 bn
   Nominal capacity: 1,110,000 tonnes
   Employees (FTE): 7,917
   of Lenzing AG.
   About LD Celulose
   LD   Celulose   S.A.   is   a   joint   venture   between   the   Austrian
   company Lenzing and the Brazilian  company Dexco, and one  of the  world’s
   largest dissolving  wood pulp  plants. Located  in the  Triângulo  Mineiro
   region, the  plant  is  between the  municipalities  of  Indianópolis  and
   Araguari. It has a production capacity of 500 thousand tons of  dissolving
   wood pulp per year,  in addition to  144 MW of  clean energy. The  special
   pulp fibers produced at LDC are  used in the textile industry,  generating
   innovative, sustainable, and high-tech fabrics.
   Important Notice
   The offering was made only by means of an offering memorandum. This  press
   release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer
   to purchase any securities in any jurisdiction. In particular, this  press
   release does not constitute an offer,  solicitation or sale in the  United
   States or any state or jurisdiction  in which such an offer,  solicitation
   or sale  would be  unlawful.  The notes  have not  been  and will  not  be
   registered under the Securities Act  of 1933, as amended (the  “Securities
   Act”), the  securities laws  of any  state  of the  United States  or  the
   securities laws of any other jurisdiction. The notes and the related notes
   guarantees are  being offered  solely  to qualified  institutional  buyers
   under Rule  144A and  to non-U.S.  persons outside  the United  States  in
   reliance on Regulation S under the Securities Act.  This press release may
   include projections  and  other “forward-looking”  statements  within  the
   meaning of applicable securities laws. Any such projections or  statements
   reflect the current views of the Issuer about further events and financial
   performance. No assurances can  be given that  such events or  performance
   will occur  as projected  and actual  results may  differ materially  from
   these projections.
   It is  not intended  that the  notes  will be  available to  investors  in
   Austria. Hence, no notice pursuant to Section 24 of the Capital Market Act
   of the Republic of Austria 2019 (Kapitalmarktgesetz 2019) (as amended, the
   “Austrian Capital Market  Act”), which provides  that anyone intending  to
   offer securities (including the notes) in Austria has to file a notice  to
   the Oesterreichische Kontrollbank  Aktiengesellschaft in  its function  as
   notification office, will be submitted. The notes therefore may be offered
   in  Austria   only   if   a  notification   to   the   emission   calender
   (Emissionsonskalender)  of  the  Austrian  Control  Bank  (Österreichische
   Kontrollbank), all as prescribed by  the Austrian Capital Market Act,  has
   been filed as soon as any person intends to offer notes in Austria, but in
   any case no later than at least one Austrian bank working day prior to the
   commencement of the relevant offer of the notes in Austria.
   In any event, the  offering is not  a public offering  in the Republic  of
   Austria. The notes may not be offered and sold in the Republic of  Austria
   except in accordance with the  provisions of the Austrian Capital  Markets
   Act), the  EU  Prospectus Regulation  and  any other  laws  applicable  in
   Austria. No application will be made under Austrian law to permit a public
   offer of the  notes in the  Republic of Austria.  The offering  memorandum
   relating to the offering has  not been and will  not be submitted to,  nor
   has it been  nor will  it be approved  by, the  Austrian Financial  Market
   Authority (Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörde) (“FMA”). FMA has not obtained  and
   will not  obtain a  notification  from another  competent authority  of  a
   member state of the European Union (each, a “Member State”), with which  a
   securities prospectus may have been filed,  pursuant to Article 25 of  the
   EU Prospectus Regulation. The notes must not be distributed within Austria
   by way of a public offer,  public advertisement or in any similar  manner,
   and the offering memorandum and any other document relating to the  notes,
   as well  as information  contained therein,  may not  be supplied  to  the
   public in Austria or used in connection with any offer for subscription of
   notes to the public  in Austria. Consequently, in  Austria the notes  will
   only be available to, and the  offering memorandum and any other  offering
   material in relation  to the notes  is directed only  at, persons who  are
   qualified investors (qualifizierte Anleger) within the meaning of  Section
   1 Paragraph 1 No. 6 of the Austrian Capital Market Act in connection  with
   Article 2 lit. e  of the EU  Prospectus Regulation or  who are subject  of
   another exemption  in  accordance with  Article  1 of  the  EU  Prospectus
   Regulation. The notes will in any event not be offered, sold or  otherwise
   made available  to any  retail investor  in Austria.  A “retail  investor”
   means a person who is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client as defined  in
   point (11) of  Article 4(1) of  MiFID II;  or (ii) a  customer within  the
   meaning of the Insurance Distribution  Directive, in each case where  that
   customer would not qualify  as a professional client  as defined in  point
   (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II.  Any resale of the notes in Austria  may
   only be made in  accordance with the Austrian  Capital Market Act, the  EU
   Prospectus Regulation and other applicable laws.
   Further, any investors in the notes must be located outside of Austria for
   the purposes  of the  Austrian Stamp  Duty Act  (Gebührengesetz 1957)  and
   agree to keep the offering memorandum, or any other documents or materials
   relating to the offering memorandum or any stamp duty sensitive  documents
   referenced  therein,  or   any  certified  copy,   any  document  or   any
   communication  which   constitutes   substitute   documentation   thereof,
   including written confirmations thereof,  and written references  thereto,
   outside of Austria (in each case within the meaning of the Austrian  Stamp
   Duty Act (Gebührengesetz 1957).
   The notes have not  been, and will not  be, registered with the  Brazilian
   Securities Commission (Comissão de  Valores Mobiliários) (the “CVM”)  and,
   therefore, may  not  be  placed,  distributed,  offered  or  sold  in  the
   Brazilian capital markets, except in circumstances that do not  constitute
   a public offering in Brazil under Law  No. 6,385, of December 7, 1976,  as
   amended, or under Resolution No. 160, issued by the CVM on July 13,  2022,
   as amended. Any representation to the contrary is untruthful and unlawful.
   Documents relating to the  offering of the notes,  as well as  information
   contained therein, may not be supplied  to the public in Brazil, nor  used
   in connection with any public offer for subscription or sale of the  notes
   to the  public in  Brazil. Persons  wishing to  acquire the  notes  within
   Brazil should consult with  their own counsel as  to the applicability  of
   registration requirements or any exemption therefrom.





   27.09.2024 CET/CEST This Corporate News was distributed by EQS Group AG.


   Language:    English
   Company:     Lenzing AG
                4860 Lenzing
   Phone:       +43 7672-701-0
   Fax:         +43 7672-96301
   ISIN:        AT0000644505
   Indices:     ATX
   Listed:      Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Market)
   EQS News ID: 1997479

   End of News EQS News Service

   1997479  27.09.2024 CET/CEST


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