EQS-News: AUSTRIAN POST H1 2024: Strong first half of 2024 supported by favourable conditions

EQS-News: AUSTRIAN POST H1 2024: Strong first half of 2024 supported by favourable conditions
   EQS-News: Österreichische Post AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results
   AUSTRIAN POST H1 2024: Strong first half of 2024 supported by favourable

   07.08.2024 / 07:30 CET/CEST
   The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.



   Strong first half of 2024 supported by favourable conditions


   Revenue H1 2024

     • Revenue up by 17.2 % to EUR 1,505.2m (+10.3 % excl. Parcel Türkiye)
     • Favourable conditions: effects from elections and the exchange rate of
       the Turkish Lira
     • Mail +3.5 % to EUR 619.0m
     • Parcel & Logistics +28.1 % to EUR 804.9m (+15.2 % excl. Parcel
     • Retail & Bank +25.0 % to EUR 95.7m

   Earnings H1 2024

     • EBITDA +11.9 % to EUR 211.5m
     • EBIT +10.9 % to EUR 105.6m
     • Earnings per share from EUR 1.13 to EUR 1.12

   Cash flow and balance sheet

     • H1 2024 operating free cash flow of EUR 147.1m
     • Equity of EUR 682.0m as at 30 June 2024


     • 2024 revenue increase at least in the upper single-digit range
     • 2024 EBIT growth expected in the mid-single-digit range


   The performance of Austrian Post in the first half-year 2024 was
   characterised by a solid operational business development and several
   favourable conditions. This was reflected in the solid revenue and
   earnings increase. “Against the backdrop of a challenging environment and
   inflation-related cost increases, the first half of 2024 proceeded very
   successfully, resulting in an increase in revenue and earnings,” states
   Georg Pölzl, CEO of Austrian Post. In particular, the major nationwide
   elections in Austria such as the Chamber of Labour and the European
   Parliament elections, resulted in higher revenue and earnings for the
   company in the letter mail and direct mail business. The national parcel
   market showed a robust development, driven by high volumes from European
   and Asian e-commerce retailers. The business development in Türkiye was
   strongly impacted by the high inflation and the currency exchange rate,
   with a positive impact on half-year performance indicators.


   Total Group revenue rose by 17.2 % in the first half of 2024 to
   EUR 1,505.2m. Revenue increase excluding Türkiye still amounted to 10.3 %.
   Revenue was up in all divisions in the first six months. Mail Division
   revenue was up by 3.5 % to EUR 619.0m and is impacted by the structural
   decline of addressed letter mail volumes as a result of electronic
   substitution but at the same time positively affected by postal rate
   adjustments in the previous year as well as by elections in the first half
   of 2024. Furthermore, a restrained advertising business related to the
   weak development in certain retail segments was noticeable. The Parcel &
   Logistics Division generated a revenue improvement of 28.1 % to EUR 804.9m
   in the reporting period. The parcel business developed very positively in
   all regions. Strong growth was reported particularly in Türkiye, which was
   impacted by high inflation and the comparatively favourable exchange rate
   of the Turkish Lira. Divisional revenue was up by 15.2 % even without
   including the parcel business in Türkiye. The Retail & Bank Division
   achieved revenue of EUR 95.7m (+25.0 %) in the first half-year 2024. The
   customer ramp-up of bank99 as well as the development of interest rates
   positively contributed to divisional revenue.


   In terms of earnings, Austrian Post also generated solid business results
   in the first half-year. EBITDA increased by 11.9 % to EUR 211.5m and
   earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) were up by 10.9 % to EUR 105.6m.
   Mail Division EBIT was EUR 83.0m in the first half-year of 2024, compared
   to EUR 77.6m in the prior-year period (+6.9 %). This improvement is
   related to both the adjustments to the letter mail product and pricing
   structure effective 1 September 2023 and the elections in the first half
   of 2024, as well as to price increases for direct mail and media post. The
   Parcel & Logistics Division’s EBIT amounted to EUR 47.3m compared to
   EUR 36.3m in the prior-year period (+30.1 %). The parcel business in
   Türkiye made a significant contribution to the earnings improvement. The
   Retail & Bank Division’s EBIT was minus EUR 5.3m in the first half of 2024
   compared to a positive EUR 1.1m in the previous year. The decline is
   mainly attributable to special IT expenses related to the core banking
   system migration project of bank99. The profit for the period of Austrian
   Post Group totalled EUR 78.5m in the first half of 2024 (–0.2 %), after
   including the positive valuation effect in the financial result of the
   previous year. On that basis, earnings per share resulted in EUR 1.12
   compared with EUR 1.13 in the first half of 2023 (–1.5 %).


   Diverging trends continue to be expected on international mail and parcel
   markets in upcoming quarters. Weak economic growth in many European
   countries and the related restrained investment climate impact the
   purchasing behaviour of companies and private consumers. In turn, this
   results in a subdued volume development of letter mail and direct mail but
   simultaneously increasing parcel volumes as a result of the further growth
   of the online retail business. As was already evident in the first six
   months of the year, revenue growth in 2024 is being supported by
   favourable prevailing conditions. In line with current developments – and
   depending on the exchange rate of the Turkish lira by year end – a revenue
   increase at least in the upper single-digit range should be possible.
   Revenue growth on the one hand but also cost discipline and efficiency on
   the other hand are necessary to ensure the stability targeted by Austrian
   Post. Austrian Post expects an increase in earnings in 2024. Under the
   assumption of a continuously stable macro-economic environment in the
   markets the company operates in, a mid-single-digit EBIT growth is


   The massive investment programme in recent years, which has almost tripled
   sorting capacity in Austria, has been completed in the meantime. The
   investment focus in the coming years will be on expanding international
   logistics infrastructure and e-mobility. For example, the company aims to
   achieve CO₂-free last mile delivery in Austria by 2030. “I would like to
   sincerely thank all employees and customers for their great work and
   support which have made my 15 years as CEO of Austrian Post so successful
   and rewarding,” concludes Georg Pölzl.


   The complete version of the outlook as well as detailed information
   (excerpts) from the Group Management Report for the first half of 2024 can
   be found starting on page 4. The entire report is available on the website
   of Austrian Post under in the Download Centre.



   EUR m                       H1 2023 H1 2024       %  EUR m Q2 2023 Q2 2024
   Revenue                     1,284.8 1,505.2  17.2 %  220.4   620.2   746.6
   Mail                          598.1   619.0   3.5 %   21.0   289.5   303.5
   Parcel & Logistics            628.4   804.9  28.1 %  176.5   301.3   402.0
   Retail & Bank                  76.5    95.7  25.0 %   19.1    39.1    48.4
   Corporate/Consolidation       –18.2   –14.4  20.8 %    3.8    –9.7    –7.4
   Other operating income         38.0    47.8  26.0 %    9.9    19.4    24.3
   Raw materials, consumables
   and services used            –374.7  –433.9 –15.8 %  –59.2  –177.1  –209.6
   Expenses from financial
   services                       –5.8   –23.7 <-100 %  –17.8    –3.9   –12.4
   Staff costs                  –579.2  –692.7 –19.6 % –113.5  –279.4  –350.9
   Other operating expenses     –177.9  –196.2 –10.3 %  –18.3   –86.6   –92.4
   Results from financial
   assets acc. for using the
   equity method                   0.8     1.3  63.8 %    0.5     0.8     0.8
   Net monetary gain               3.1     3.6  15.9 %    0.5     0.7     1.7
   EBITDA                        189.0   211.5  11.9 %   22.5    93.9   108.1
   Depreciation, amortisation
   and impairment losses         –93.8  –105.9 –12.9 %  –12.1   –45.7   –54.9
   EBIT                           95.2   105.6  10.9 %   10.4    48.2    53.2
   Mail                           77.6    83.0   6.9 %    5.3    36.7    40.7
   Parcel & Logistics             36.3    47.3  30.1 %   10.9    19.7    23.1
   Retail & Bank                   1.1    –5.3 <–100 %   –6.4     0.3    –2.6
   Corporate/Consolidation^1     –19.9   –19.4   2.6 %    0.5    –8.4    –7.9
   Financial result                5.7    –1.6 <-100 %   –7.3     9.1    –2.9
   Profit before tax             100.9   104.0   3.0 %    3.1    57.3    50.3
   Income tax                    –22.3   –25.5 –14.5 %   –3.2   –10.6   –13.5
   Profit for the period          78.6    78.5  –0.2 %   –0.2    46.6    36.8
   Earnings per share (EUR)^2     1.13    1.12  –1.5 %  –0.02    0.67    0.53
   Gross cash flow               156.7   185.8  18.6 %   29.2    76.9    93.2
   Cash flow from operating
   activities                     11.4   185.7  >100 %  174.3    62.3    38.7
   CAPEX                          47.6    46.3  –2.7 %   –1.3    23.5    21.3
   Free cash flow                –23.0   154.1  >100 %  177.2    83.8    79.3
   Operating free cash flow^3    115.5   147.1  27.3 %   31.6    40.4    74.8

   ^1 Includes the intra-Group cost allocation procedure
   ^2 Undiluted earnings per share in relation to 67,552,638 shares
   ^3 Free cash flow before acquisitions/securities/money market investments,
   Growth CAPEX and core banking assets

   Vienna, 7 August 2024




   In the first half of 2024, Austrian Post’s Group revenue increased by
   17.2 % year-on-year to EUR 1,505.2m. Revenue excl. Parcel Türkiye was up
   by 10.3 %. All divisions produced higher revenue in the first six months
   of 2024. Revenue of the Mail Division was up by 3.5 %, whereas Parcel &
   Logistics revenue climbed by 28.1 % (+15.2 % excl. Parcel Türkiye) and the
   Retail & Bank Division showed a 25.0 % increase.


   The share of the Mail Division as a proportion of the total revenue
   generated by Austrian Post in the first half of 2024 amounted to 40.7 %.
   The division’s revenue of EUR 619.0m is negatively impacted by the
   structural decline of addressed letter mail volumes due to electronic
   substitution, however benefited from last year’s postal rate adjustments
   as well as the major nationwide elections in Austria (Chamber of Labour,
   European Parliament) in the first half of 2024. Moreover, advertising
   business remains subdued, caused by weak development of certain retail

   The Parcel & Logistics Division accounted for 53.0 % of Group revenue or
   EUR 804.9m in the reporting period. The parcel business developed very
   positively in all regions. In particular, strong revenue growth was
   generated in Türkiye, predominantly impacted by high inflation and the
   exchange rate of the Turkish Lira.

   The Retail & Bank Division accounted for 6.3 % of Group revenue or
   EUR 95.7m in the first half of 2024. The customer ramp-up of bank99 as
   well as the development of interest rates in recent months made a positive
   contribution to the division’s revenue.


   Revenue of the Mail Division totalled EUR 619.0m in the first half of
   2024, of which 62.9 % is attributed to the Letter Mail & Business
   Solutions area. Direct Mail accounted for 26.0 % of the total divisional
   revenue, and Media Post had an 11.1 % share.

   In the first half of 2024, Letter Mail & Business Solutions revenue
   equalled EUR 389.3m, implying a year-on-year increase of 2.8 %. Letter
   mail volumes continue to show a downward trend resulting from the
   substitution of letters by electronic forms of communication. Conventional
   letter mail volumes in Austria fell by 7 % in the first half of 2024.
   Postal rate adjustments implemented in September last year as well as
   elections in the first half of 2024 (mainly Chamber of Labour, European
   Parliament) positively affected the revenue development. Inflationary
   pressure on all types of costs led to adjustments in the product and
   pricing structure as well as to necessary efficiency increases of internal
   processes. International letter mail declined in terms of volumes and
   revenue, while the Business Solutions area developed positively.

   Direct Mail revenue rose by 3.6 % in the first half of 2024 to EUR 160.9m.
   The subdued advertising environment impacted by economic difficulties as
   well as by structural decline in certain customer segments (e.g.,
   furniture sector, mail order business) was offset by adjustments to the
   pricing structure. Big elections in the first half of 2024 also positively
   impacted revenue.

   Revenue from Media Post, i.e., the delivery of newspapers and magazines,
   rose by 7.4 % year-on-year to EUR 68.8m. This increase is related mainly
   to adjustments in the pricing structure.


   Revenue of the Parcel & Logistics Division rose by 28.1 % in the first
   half of 2024 to EUR 804.9m. Growth amounted to 15.2 % excluding Parcel
   Türkiye. The parcel business developed very positively in all regions.

   Parcel Austria grew its revenue by 16.3 % to EUR 434.8m in the reporting
   period. Parcel volumes grew by 13 % in the first half of 2024,
   attributable to both strong customer confidence in the quality of Austrian
   Post as well as to increasing national and international parcel volumes.

   Revenue in Türkiye and Azerbaijan (Parcel Türkiye) increased by 76.2 % to
   EUR 234.5m compared to the first six months of 2023. This high level of
   growth is significantly impacted by inflation in Türkiye and the
   relatively stable exchange rate of the Turkish Lira in the first half of

   The parcel business in Southeast and Eastern Europe (Parcel CEE/SEE)
   continues to generate positive growth rates, with revenue up by 17.7 % to
   EUR 107.9m in the first half of 2024. There was a strong increase in
   parcel volumes from Asia in this region.

   Revenue of Logistics Solutions/Consolidation fell by EUR 2.0m in the
   current reporting period to EUR 27.8m due to consolidation effects.


   Revenue of the Retail & Bank Division improved by 25.0 % in the first half
   of 2024 to EUR 95.7m. Income from Financial Services contributed 78.6 % to
   the divisional revenue, whereas Branch Services accounted for 21.4 %.
   Income from Financial Services climbed by 32.9 % to EUR 75.2m in the
   current reporting period. This is mainly due to the improved interest rate
   environment in Europe as well as to the customer ramp-up of bank99. Branch
   Services revenue increased by 2.8 % to EUR 20.5m in the first half of 2024
   as a result of inflation-related price adjustments in the retail products



   The largest expense items in relation to Austrian Post’s Group revenue are
   staff costs (46.0 %), raw materials, consumables and services used
   (28.8 %) and other operating expenses (13.0 %). In this context, 7.0 % can
   be attributed to depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses and
   1.6 % to expenses from financial services.


   Staff costs in the first half of 2024 totalled EUR 692.7m, implying a
   year-on-year increase of 19.6 % or EUR 113.5m. The change results from an
   increase in the number of employees in the Austrian Post Group outside
   Austria as well as from collective wage salary adjustments reported under
   operational staff costs both in Austria and abroad. Austrian Post Group
   employed an average of 27,803 people (full-time equivalents) in the first
   six months of 2024 compared to the average of 26,950 employees in the
   prior-year period (+3.2 %).
   Non-operating staff costs refer to severance payments and changes in
   provisions, which are primarily related to the specific employment
   situation of civil servant employees at Austrian Post. No significant
   extra charges were incurred in the first half of 2024.


   Raw materials, consumables and services used rose by 15.8 % to EUR 433.9m.
   This development relates mainly to higher transport costs for external
   freight companies attributable to the increased volumes in Austria as well
   as in Southeast and Eastern Europe.


   Other operating income increased by 26.0 % in the first half of 2024 to
   EUR 47.8m. This development can be attributed to inflation-related price
   adjustments (e. g., rentals). Other operating expenses increased by 10.3 %
   to EUR 196.2m, particularly for IT services and maintenance costs.


   Accounting standard IAS 29 (Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
   Economies) needs to be applied for the Turkish subsidiary. Accordingly,
   all items in the income statement as well as the non-monetary items were
   adjusted using a general price index (refer to the Annual Report 2023,
   Consolidated Financial Statements, Note 3.3 Hyperinflation). The profit or
   loss from net monetary items is presented as a separate item in the income
   statement. In the first half of 2024, the net monetary gain amounted to
   EUR 3.6m (+15.9 %).


   EBITDA equalled EUR 211.5m in the first half of 2024, an increase of
   11.9 % from the comparable figure of EUR 189.0m in the previous year. This
   implies an EBITDA margin of 14.1 %. Depreciation, amortisation and
   impairment losses amounted to EUR 105.9m in the first six months of 2024,
   representing an increase of 12.9 % or EUR 12.1m year-on-year. The increase
   is mainly due to investments in new parcel logistics infrastructure
   locations. Group EBIT totalled EUR 105.6m in the first half-year of 2024,
   up by 10.9 % from EUR 95.2m in the previous year. The EBIT margin amounted
   to 7.0 %.


   The Group’s financial result in the first half of 2024 changed from
   EUR 5.7m to minus EUR 1.6m. The prior-year period included a positive
   effect of EUR 7.1m related to the valuation of financial parameters for
   the option liability for the remaining 20 % stake in Aras Kargo. The
   income tax rose from EUR 22.3m to EUR 25.5m. The profit for the period for
   the first six months of 2024 equalled EUR 78.5m, compared to EUR 78.6m in
   the first half of the previous year (–0.2 %). Undiluted earnings per share
   were EUR 1.12, in contrast to EUR 1.13 in the prior-year period.



   Total earnings (EBIT) in the first half of 2024 rose from EUR 95.2m to
   EUR 105.6m (+10.9 %) and were impacted by a very positive revenue
   development (+17.2 %) as well as by inflation-related cost increases.


   From a divisional perspective, the Mail Division achieved an EBIT of
   EUR 83.0m in the first six months of 2024 compared to EUR 77.6m in the
   prior-year period (+6.9 %). This increase resulted from adjustments to the
   Letter Mail product and pricing structure effective 1 September 2023, the
   elections in the first half of 2024 as well as price increases in the
   Direct Mail and Media Post business.


   The Parcel & Logistics Division generated an EBIT of EUR 47.3m in the
   first half of 2024 compared to EUR 36.3m in the prior-year period
   (+30.1 %). The parcel business showed a positive development in all
   regions in which Austrian Post operates. The parcel business in Türkiye
   made a significant contribution to the earnings improvement. Business
   operations in Türkiye continue to be more strongly impacted by inflation
   and currency translation than other markets.


   The Retail & Bank Division recorded an EBIT of minus EUR 5.3m in the first
   half of 2024, compared to EUR 1.1m in the previous year. The decline is
   mainly due to one-off IT expenses in connection with the bank99 core bank
   migration project.


   The EBIT of the Corporate Division (including Consolidation and the
   intra-Group cost allocation procedure) changed from minus EUR 19.9m to
   minus EUR 19.4m. The Corporate Division provides non-operating services
   which are typically essential for the purpose of the administration and
   control of the company. In addition to conventional corporate governance
   tasks, these services include the management and development of commercial
   properties not required for operations, the management of significant
   financial investments, the provision of IT services, the development of
   new business models and the administration of the Internal Labour Market
   of Austrian Post.


   The gross cash flow in the first half of 2024 equalled EUR 185.8m,
   compared to EUR 156.7m in the first half of 2023 (+18.6 %). The cash flow
   from operating activities amounted to EUR 185.7m in the reporting period,
   compared to the prior-year figure of EUR 11.4m. In this regard, the
   largest effect is attributable to changes in the core banking assets of
   bank99 totalling EUR 10.5m compared to minus EUR 128.5m in the prior-year
   period. Core banking assets include the change in the balance sheet items
   Financial assets from financial services and Financial liabilities from
   financial services, excluding cash, cash equivalents and balances with
   central banks, and thus encompass the deposit and investment business of
   bank99. The cash flow from operating activities excluding core banking
   assets totalled EUR 175.2m in the first half of 2024 compared to
   EUR 139.9m in the previous reporting period.

   The cash flow from investing activities was minus EUR 31.6m in the first
   six months of 2024, compared to minus EUR 34.4m in the prior-year period.
   Expenditures for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment and
   investment property (CAPEX) amounted to EUR 46.3m in the current reporting

   Austrian Post relies on operating free cash flow as a key metric to assess
   the financial strength of its operating business and to cover the dividend
   for the financial year. Excluding the change in core banking assets, the
   operating free cash flow totalled EUR 147.1m in the current reporting
   period compared to EUR 115.5m in the previous year. This increase of
   27.3 % is attributable to the good operational business development as
   well as a positive tax effect from a prior-year period.

   The cash flow from financing activities came to minus EUR 126.4m in the
   first six months of 2024, compared to minus EUR 99.0m in the prior-year
   period. This included the dividend payment of EUR 120.2m to Austrian Post

   Austrian Post relies on a solid balance sheet and financing structure.
   Total assets amounted to EUR 6.0bn as at 30 June 2024. On the asset side,
   property, plant and equipment of EUR 1,359.2m is one of the largest
   balance sheet items and includes right-of-use assets under leases of
   EUR 378.1m. In addition, there are intangible assets and goodwill from
   company acquisitions, which are reported in the amount of EUR 148.4m as at
   30 June 2024. The balance sheet shows receivables of EUR 474.8m, other
   financial assets amounted to EUR 17.1m as at 30 June 2024. Financial
   assets from financial services amounted to EUR 3,655.3m at the end of the
   second quarter of 2024 and result mainly from the business activities of

   On the equity and liabilities side of the balance sheet, the equity of the
   Austrian Post Group amounted to EUR 682.0m as at 30 June 2024,
   representing an equity ratio of 11.4 %. The pro-forma equity ratio, taking
   into account bank99 using the equity method, stands at 28 % at the end of
   June 2024. Provisions of EUR 570.8m are shown on the equity and
   liabilities side at the end of June 2024, other financial liabilities
   amounted to EUR 659.0m and trade and other payables totalled EUR 575.8m.
   Financial liabilities from financial services amounting to EUR 3,469.5m
   result primarily from the business activities of bank99 (deposit and
   investment business of bank99’s customers).


   OUTLOOK 2024

   International mail and parcel markets are showing diverging trends. The
   weak economic growth in many European countries and the related restrained
   investment climate impact the purchasing behaviour of companies and
   private consumers. This results in a subdued volume development of letter
   mail and direct mail. At the same time, parcel volumes are rising as a
   result of the continuing growth in the online retail business.


   Revenue growth in 2024
   As was already evident in the first six months of the year, revenue growth
   in 2024 was supported by the positive business environment. 2024 revenue
   growth is expected to be at least in the upper-single digit range,
   depending on the exchange rate of the Turkish Lira at the end of the year.

   A largely stable revenue development is anticipated in the Mail Division.
   The fundamental trend towards declining volumes in the traditional mail
   segment will continue. Furthermore, reduced volumes of direct mail and
   media post are expected due to the weak economy and the respective
   difficult environment for retailers. In contrast, big elections in Austria
   on a local and national level as well as price adjustments for various
   products, should have a positive effect.

   A double-digit revenue increase is expected in the Parcel & Logistics
   Division. Growth forecasts vary by region. Revenue development in Türkiye
   is strongly impacted by inflation and the exchange rate of the Turkish
   Lira due to the application of hyperinflation accounting.

   The Retail & Bank Division aims to achieve double-digit revenue growth,
   depending on the interest rate environment. The most important goal here
   for 2024 will be finalising the migration of the core banking system.


   Group earnings in 2024
   Both revenue growth and cost discipline combined with efficiency are
   necessary to ensure the stability that Austrian Post is aiming to achieve.
   Austrian Post anticipates increased earnings in 2024 on the basis of the
   good revenue trend. Mid-single-digit EBIT growth is expected if the
   macroeconomic environment in Austrian Post’s markets continues to be


   CAPEX programme 2024
   In the meantime, the substantial CAPEX programme implemented in recent
   years – which has almost tripled sorting capacity in Austria – has been
   completed. Investments in the coming years will focus on expanding
   international logistics and e-mobility. For example, the company is aiming
   for last-mile delivery to be completely CO₂-free by 2030. In total, the
   plan for 2024 is to invest around EUR 70–80m in maintenance CAPEX
   (automation, digitalisation, maintenance), EUR 40–50m in green
   transformation (photovoltaic systems, e-mobility, electric charging
   infrastructure) as well as about EUR 30m in growth CAPEX, primarily now in
   Türkiye and Southeast and Eastern Europe.


   Austrian Post                      Austrian Post
   Ingeborg Gratzer                   Harald Hagenauer
   Head of Media Relations & Internal Head of Investor Relations, Group
   Communications                     Auditing & Compliance
   Tel.: +43 (0) 57767-32010          Tel.: +43 (0) 57767-30400           




   07.08.2024 CET/CEST This Corporate News was distributed by EQS Group AG.


   Language:    English
   Company:     Österreichische Post AG
                Rochusplatz 1
                1030 Vienna
   Phone:       +43 577 67 - 30400
   ISIN:        AT0000APOST4
   WKN:         A0JML5
   Listed:      Vienna Stock Exchange (Official Market)
   EQS News ID: 1961043

   End of News EQS News Service

   1961043  07.08.2024 CET/CEST

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