EQS-HV: Österreichische Post AG: Results of the general meeting

EQS-HV: Österreichische Post AG: Results of the general meeting

EQS News: Österreichische Post AG / Announcement of the results of the general meeting Austrian Post AG: Results of the general meeting April 18, 2024 / 2:50 p.m. CET/CEST Announcement of the results of the general meeting, transmitted by EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG. The issuer/publisher is responsible for the content of the message. ════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════ ════════════════════════ Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft Wien, FN 180219 d ISIN AT0000APOST4 Publication of the resolution of the general meeting of April 18, 2024 on Authorization to purchase your own Shares in accordance with Section 65 Paragraph 1 Z 4 and Z 8 as well as Paragraph 1a and Paragraph 1b AktG in conjunction with Section 119 Paragraph 9 BörseG and Section 2 Paragraph 2 Publication Ordinance The 11th point was made at the annual general meeting of Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft, Vienna, on April 18, 2024 The following resolution was passed on the agenda: a. In accordance with Section 65 Paragraph 1 Items 4 and 8 as well as Paragraphs 1a and 1b AktG, the Executive Board is authorized to issue bearer or registered shares in the company to the extent of up to 10% of the company’s share capital for a period of validity from November 1, 2024 to October 31, 2026 both on the stock exchange and over-the-counter, and only from individual shareholders or a single shareholder, in particular Österreichische Beteiligungs AG, at a lowest equivalent value of EUR 10 (Euro ten) per share and a highest equivalent value of EUR 60 (Euro sixty) per share. Trading in own shares is excluded as a purpose of acquisition. The authorization can be exercised in whole or in part or in several partial amounts and in pursuit of one or more purposes by the company, by a subsidiary (Section 228 Paragraph 3 UGB) or by third parties on behalf of the company. The acquisition by the board of directors can be carried out in particular if the shares belong to employees, executives and/or members of the board of directors of the company or a company affiliated with the company as part of an employee participation program or a stock option program and/or a private foundation whose primary purpose is to hold and management of the shares for one or more of the persons mentioned (such as an employee participation foundation in accordance with Section 4d Paragraph 4 EStG). b. The board of directors of Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft can decide on the acquisition via the stock exchange, but the supervisory board must subsequently be informed of this decision. The off-market acquisition is subject to the prior approval of the Supervisory Board. In the case of over-the-counter acquisition, this can also be carried out excluding the proportional right of sale (reverse exclusion of subscription rights). c. For a period of five years from the adoption of the resolution in accordance with Section 65 Paragraph 1b AktG, the Executive Board is authorized, with the consent of the Supervisory Board and without a new resolution by the Annual General Meeting, to sell or use treasury shares other than via the stock exchange or through a public offer , with analogous application of the regulations on the exclusion of shareholders’ subscription rights, in particular if the shares are given to employees, executives and/or members of the board of directors of the company or a company affiliated with the company as part of an employee participation program or a stock option program and/or a private foundation, their primary The purpose of holding and managing the shares for one or more of the persons mentioned (such as an employee participation foundation in accordance with Section 4d Paragraph 4 EStG) is to be transferred and the conditions of sale are to be determined. The authorization can be exercised in whole or in part or in several partial amounts and in pursuit of one or more purposes by the company, by a subsidiary (Section 228 Paragraph 3 UGB) or by third parties on behalf of the company. d. The Executive Board is also authorized, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to reduce the share capital by withdrawing these treasury shares without a further resolution of the general meeting in accordance with Section 65 Paragraph 1 Item 8, last sentence in conjunction with Section 122 AktG, if necessary. The Supervisory Board is authorized to decide on changes to the Articles of Association resulting from the cancellation of shares. Vienna, April 2024 The Board of Directors Contact: Österreichische Post AG DI Harald Hagenauer Head of Investor Relations, Group Audit & Compliance Tel.: +43 (0) 57767-30400 ══════════════════════════════════════ ═════════ ═══════════════════════════ 04/18/2024 CET/CEST ═══════ ══════════ ════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════ ═══════ Language: German Company: Österreichische Post AG Rochusplatz 1 1030 Vienna Austria Telephone: +43 577 67 – 30400 E-Mail:
ISIN: AT0000APOST4 WKN: A0JML5 Stock exchanges: Vienna Stock Exchange (official trading) End of announcement EQS News Service 1880647 April 18, 2024 CET/CEST

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