EQS-CMS: Wienerberger AG: Other post-approval obligations

EQS post-admission notification: Wienerberger AG / Publication in accordance with Section 119 Paragraph 9 BörseG Wienerberger AG: Other post-admission obligations 07.06.2024 / 2:00 p.m. CET/CEST Publication of a post-admission notification transmitted by EQS News – a service of EQS Group AG. The issuer/publisher is responsible for the content of the message. ════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════ ════════════════════════ Wienerberger AG decides to use treasury shares The Executive Board of Wienerberger AG (the “Company”) has decided, based on the resolution of 155th Annual General Meeting of May 7, 2024, with which the Board of Directors was authorized to sell treasury shares in a manner other than via the stock exchange or a public offer and to also exclude the shareholders’ proportional purchase right (exclusion of the subscription right) (the “authorization to use “) to use own shares. Wienerberger published on May 23, 2024 via a Europe-wide, electronic distribution system and under (1) https://www.wienerberger.com/en/investors/download-center.html as well as on May 23, 2024 on the federal government’s electronic announcement and information platform (EVI) a report on the use of treasury shares excluding the purchase right (subscription right) of the shareholders on the basis of the authorization of use (the “Report”) on the intended use of treasury shares for Employee participation program for US employees of Wienerberger Group companies in the USA, in particular General Shale Brick, Inc. (“ESPP USA”). As part of the ESPP USA, US employees were given the opportunity to purchase shares listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange under ISIN AT0000831706. For every two shares acquired (“investment shares”), the participating employee receives one share of Wienerberger AG without further consideration (“matching share”) in accordance with the terms and conditions for the ESPP USA (“plan conditions”) (2+1 Model). The ESPP USA is administered by Global Shares Inc. as plan administrator (“Plan Administrator”). The plan administrator will hold the shares in trust for the U.S. employees for the duration of the program. For this reason, the treasury shares are transferred directly to the plan administrator for safekeeping for the US employees under the ESPP USA. Under the terms of the plan, US employees had the opportunity to participate in ESPP USA within one offering period. At the end of the ESPP USA offer period, the total investment amount of all participating employees from the ESPP USA was the equivalent of approximately EUR 110,000. For this total investment amount, Wienerberger AG sells and transfers its own shares as investment shares to the plan administrator as trustee for the participating employees. In addition, Wienerberger AG sells and transfers one matching share for every two investment shares without any further consideration from the participating employees to the plan administrator as trustee for the participating employees. The costs for the matching shares will be borne by companies of the Wienerberger Group in the USA, in particular General Shale Brick, Inc., and compensation will be paid to Wienerberger AG. In total, Wienerberger AG will therefore provide its own shares for the ESPP USA at a price of approximately EUR 110,000 (taking into account the fact that only whole shares are delivered) as investment shares and, in addition, one matching share for every two investment shares transferred, whereby Wienerberger will receive a cost reimbursement of approximately EUR 55,000 for the matching shares (taking into account the fact that only whole shares will be delivered). The transfer of the treasury shares to the plan administrator is expected to take place on June 13, 2024 (“closing”). On the date of closing, both the investment shares and the matching shares will be transferred to the plan administrator as trustee for the U.S. employees. The final number of treasury shares required for the ESPP USA will therefore be determined on the day of closing based on the closing price of Wienerberger shares on the Vienna Stock Exchange on the last trading day immediately before closing, with investment shares at the price of approx. EUR 110,000 and for every two investment shares one matching share can be sold to the participating employees for a cost of approx. EUR 55,000. Based on the closing price of the Wienerberger share on the Vienna Stock Exchange on May 21, 2024, this would result in a number of treasury shares to be used of approximately 4,700. This would represent around 0.004% of the company’s total shares. On June 7, 2024, the Board of Directors decided to use the treasury shares accordingly; the company’s supervisory board approved this on June 7, 2024. The details on the use of treasury shares are available on the company’s website at (2). https://www.wienerberger.com/de/investoren/aktie.html (German) and (3) https://www.wienerberger.com/en/investors/share.html (English) published. Use of treasury shares: Day of the authorization resolution of the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Section 65 Paragraph 1 Item 8 AktG: May 7, 2024 (resolution published on May 7, 2024) Start and expected duration of use: expected June 13, 2024 Type of share: Bearer shares (ISIN AT0000831706 ) Intended volume of the sale: The final volume has not yet been determined and is calculated as described at the beginning, with treasury shares being distributed to the participating employees as investment shares at a total price of approximately EUR 110,000 and one matching share for every two investment shares. Shares can be sold to the participating employees for reimbursement of costs totaling approximately EUR 55,000. For illustration purposes – Based on the closing price of the company’s shares on May 21, 2024, this would result in a volume of approximately 4,700 shares, corresponding to a share of the share capital of around 0.004%. Price per own share: The equivalent value on which the transfer of shares is based is calculated as described at the beginning and is based on the closing price on the Vienna Stock Exchange on the day before the closing. Type of sale: Over-the-counter (direct delivery to Global Shares Inc. as plan administrator and trustee for the participating employees, in accordance with the resolution of the Executive Board of Wienerberger AG and the resolution of the Supervisory Board of Wienerberger AG) Purpose of the sale: Use of treasury shares for an employee participation program affiliated companies of the company in the USA in accordance with the authorization resolution of the company’s general meeting of May 7, 2024 and the last sentence of Section 65 (1b) AktG. Any effects of the sale on the admission of the shares to the stock exchange: None. ════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════ ════════════════════════ 07.06.2024 CET/CEST ══════════ ══════════ ════════════════════════════════════════ ══════════ ════ Language: German Company: Wienerberger AG Wienerbergerplatz 1 1100 Vienna Austria Internet: www.wienerberger.com

End of message EQS News Service 1919743 June 7th, 2024 CET/CEST References Visible links 1. https://eqs-cockpit.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=redirect&url=476fdb73d81e33963a46b16a11c6bb55&application_id=1919743&site_id=apa_ots_austria~~~18b544d0-9c71-4160-bd95-cc8b9aff9fbf&application_name=news
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