EMA confirms: Third-party protection for “vaccinations” was never certified – now a legal investigation is required

EMA confirms: Third-party protection for “vaccinations” was never certified – now a legal investigation is required

Manufacturers, governments and media have deceived people

Governments and manufacturers of the so-called Covid “vaccines” have claimed that the “vaccination” protects others and that vaccinated people are no longer contagious. Children in particular were made to feel very guilty and were driven into the syringe with the claim that they were protecting others. More children and young people worldwide died “suddenly and unexpectedly” than from the corona infection, which in the vast majority of cases is not a problem for this age group. The EMA’s admission that third-party protection was never part of the approval is a political and legal bombshell. Now action must be taken.

In a letter dated October 18, 2023, the European Medicine Agency EMA writes: “You are indeed right when you point out that the COVID-19 vaccines are not approved to prevent transmission from one person to another. The indications are only intended to protect the vaccinated people.“This statement is direct evidence that policymakers have endangered the lives and health of countless people through statements based on inaccurate facts.

In the same letter, the EMA admitted somewhat cryptically that there is no long-term protection and that such protection is apparently not even possible: “While long-term protection is always desirable, such a requirement would have serious consequences for public health and would put vulnerable groups of people at risk. Demonstrating long-term protection may also not be feasible and, in the case of COVID-19, will be complicated by the development of SARS-CoV-2, a situation we also recognize with influenza.” Here too, the manufacturers, especially Mr. Ugur Sahin from BioNTech, publicly claimed something completely different.

Now the EMA confirms: There was never an active ingredient that could have prevented transmission. All measures were based on lies and deception.“ –LAbg. Dagmar Häusler, BSc., MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman Deputy

It’s a political bombshell – and it speaks volumes that all the beneficiaries of the so-called corona pandemic are now looking the other way and covering their ears. 2G and 3G rules were imposed against constitutions and fundamental rights, apart from any democracy, because they were intended to prevent the transmission of the supposedly dangerous disease. This was specifically the reason for the “lockdown for unvaccinated people”. Children have been psychologically tortured into believing that if they do not get vaccinated, they will pose a danger to their loved ones.

The information from the EMA shows once again: people were deceived and cheated. Due to the consequences of these lies, many victims of the justice system still have to pay high fines or are in prison. If you want to repair the severely damaged democracy, the judiciary must now act with the utmost severity and hold accountable those who used lies and deception to drive people into the needle and cause serious damage to our society.

People became unsettled and frightened, harsh laws were passed on the basis of which punishments are still carried out today – all based on deception. These serious allegations, which also have criminal relevance, are in the air. The blame lies not only with the manufacturers who spread untruthful information in order to maximize their sales, but also with all those who played along uncritically. The media are to blame, as they only represented the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and were rewarded handsomely for it. All responsible authorities and politicians are to blame, who apparently never read the approval conditions for the “vaccines” – which would have been their very own task.

If you want to repair the severely damaged democracy, the judiciary must act with all severity now.“ –LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria Federal Party Chairman-

What happened must be fully dealt with legally. This can initially start at the lowest level, the Medicines Act. According to this, misleading information is prohibited. In Austria this is stated in Section 6 AMG. But it’s not done with that. One has to look at what the consequences of this deception were. There are millions of victims in Austria of the Corona policy, which was based on a lie. There is psychological damage, actions that were taken as a result of coercion, there is physical damage in the form of side effects up to and including death. Therefore, everyone who spread the lie that vaccinations protect others, even though they should have known better by virtue of their office, must be held legally responsible: In addition to deception, accusations such as bodily harm, negligent homicide and endangering the public are conceivable.

The MFG (People – Freedom – Fundamental Rights) party has warned from the outset against the one-sided and inadequately questioned measures. However, the MFG’s calls for an open dialogue and a critical review of political decisions were ignored by mainstream politics. This ignoring has had tragic consequences. Human lives were needlessly put at risk and trust in our democratic institutions was deeply shaken.

Human lives were needlessly put at risk and trust in our democratic institutions was deeply shaken.“ –LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ Klubobmann-

It is time for those responsible for this catastrophic misdirection to be held accountable. Politicians must admit their mistakes and take the necessary steps to restore public trust. This means a complete and transparent explanation of the events and a realignment of politics that puts the well-being of the people at the center.

The MFG will continue to fight for an honest and open discussion. It stands for a policy based on facts, scientific integrity and respect for the fundamental rights of every individual. The MFG calls on all citizens to join it in this fight for justice, truth and transparency. A new policy must be created together that serves the people and not the interests of a small elite.

Questions & Contact:

MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402


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