ED 9-10/2024: Der Astro-Humbug | Mucha Verlag, 25.10.2024

The business of people’s good faith still works. When it comes to personal happiness, looking for a job or love, many people look to an astrologer for the answer. The trend is now also being fueled by the new ORF Astro Show. You can find out what science has to say about the topic in the current ED print edition.

You can also read on 244 pages: Competitive market – More and more competitors want to make money with streaming TV +++ The farewell – Ahead Media boss Alexander Geringer on the sale of his publishing business +++ That was the awarding of the FM Incoming Prize ++ + Cybercriminals also rely on AI +++ When advertising makes waves.


So-called public relations agencies with flashy web pages and catchy customer names are springing up like mushrooms. The competition is tough. Heumarkt-Catchen, on the other hand, is a petting zoo. In his editorial, Extradienst editor Christian W. Mucha deals with the peculiarities of the market. With agencies that show off to customers and reveal their pretense to journalists. Courting influencers, trashing “classic” journalists. And, as Mucha can demonstrate with the example, they do not respond to inquiries at all or respond with rude words.


Of charlatans and pawns

Anyone who believes in homeopathy is also susceptible to astrology. Artistic star divination is a million-dollar business. Numerous slanderers around the world benefit from people’s good faith. Now the ORF is also adding grist to the farmers’ mill with its Astro Show. And gets a real shitstorm for it. But what does science think on the subject? Extradienst got to know the astrophysicist Ronald Weinberger – author of the book “And They Lie Yet” -. And – in contrast to the astrologers – presents facts.

Top Service

Swiss sell shares in “Today”: The TX Group, formerly Tamedia, is saying goodbye to its free daily newspaper commitment in Austria. +++ The current numbers from the Audio Analyzer: In the third quarter, private broadcasters on the Internet generated an average listening time of 90 minutes. +++ New transparency in public advertising contracts: With the amendment to the Media Transparency Act, the triviality limit has fallen. The result is a real flood of data. A total of almost 75,000 advertising measures were reported. +++ PR radar: Industry struggles with discrimination: 80 percent of those surveyed said they were confronted with discrimination in the workplace at least occasionally. Primarily affected: women.

Penguin and king

The streaming TV market is slowly becoming crowded. The money is still flowing and sales are increasing. But the problem areas in the fragmented market are slowly becoming visible: rising costs and the fight for every subscriber.

Farewell to the media business

Alexander Geringer ran Ahead Media for 29 years. Now he has sold his publishing business. In the Extradienst interview, he reveals what motivated him to do this, why he chose German Living and Lifestyle and how he sees the media location.

Nice honor for Schönbrunn CEO

Only 90-year-old Hollywood stars usually receive something like this when they present their life’s work: Schönbrunn Group CEO Klaus Panholzer received this – in front of 200 guests – on September 18th in Hübner’s Kursalon on the occasion of the incoming award ceremony for our sister newspaper FM when he was 53 years old: a standing ovation. Everything about the top-class festival.

Deceptively real

Alarm signals for companies and private individuals: Artificial intelligence is now making cyber attacks even more dangerous. How to protect yourself from criminals on the Internet.

High waves because of advertising

Good advertising can sometimes be provocative in order to stay in your memory. But if you overdo it, you risk that customers will end up remembering the excitement more than the product. ExtraService dug up some examples.

Pioneers are slowing down

Countries like Sweden, Norway and Denmark are often used as positive examples in the digitalization debate. But not everything is idle bliss in the high-tech north.

70 degrees Fahrenheit = 21 degrees Celsius

155 guests came to Drasing Castle for the Extradienst publisher’s 70th birthday. There was a surprising souvenir for the anniversary from LH Dr. Peter Kaiser (Carinthia): the country’s badge of honor.

You can also read more in the hot-off-the-press ExtraService:

Incomparable numbers: The results of the current media analysis

When AI trains with images: In her guest commentary, lawyer Dr. Katharina Raabe-Stuppnig deals with the latest developments in copyright law

Uncertain future: If customers use AI to create their circuit diagrams, what are the media agencies left with? ExtraService asked around

Language talent: ExtraService tested e-dictation solutions

In-game advertising: The gaming industry relies on product placement

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