“Eco” about salary transparency in the public sector

On April 11th at 10:30 p.m. on ORF 2

Vienna (OTS) Dieter Bornemann presents the ORF business magazine “Eco” on Thursday, April 11, 2024, at 10:30 p.m. on ORF 2 with the following contributions:

What brings more salary transparency in the public sector?

The legally required disclosure of the highest earners in the ORF has led to discussions in recent weeks. Because salary levels and transparency are controversial issues in every company:
Who deserves what? And who should know about it? Some demand unlimited disclosure and believe that this is the only way to ensure fair pay. Others see their salary as an important part of their privacy and are afraid of the envy of colleagues and neighbors. Taxpayers are demanding more transparency, especially when it comes to salaries in the public sector. What are the pros and cons? Report: Hans Hrabal, Johannes Ruprecht

Water as a battery: How storage lakes contribute to the energy transition

Solar and wind energy have one disadvantage: they provide too little electricity when it is calm or at night – and too much when it is windy and sunny. If the energy could be stored, many problems would be solved. Large pumped storage power plants have been doing this for many decades: They use cheap electricity to pump water up into a reservoir, then let the water down when needed and convert it back into electricity. Small ski areas are now also considering whether they can also use the storage lakes that they have created for snow cannons as energy storage. To what extent is water suitable as a green battery for sun and wind? Report: Martin Steiner

Unfortunately closed: Why self-service shops in rural areas now have to close earlier

The supermarket around the corner is practical, but not everywhere: In 600 communities – almost one in three – there is no longer a local supplier, and the trend is rising. A possible solution is self-service shops, which have been popping up in some towns in recent years. You save on personnel costs and have been able to stay open around the clock – including on Sundays. But not everyone liked that. An anonymous complaint has now culminated in a decision by the Constitutional Court, according to which self-service shops without staff must also adhere to the applicable supermarket opening times. Completely incomprehensible for the operators. How shall we continue? And what can be done about the dying local suppliers in the country? Report: Clara Kloepfer, Lisa Lind, Johannes Ruprecht

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