Ebazar 2025: Wed (n) T all senses

Vienna (OTS) –

Digital basic formation, artificial intelligence, sustainability and creative learning methods – these are keywords on the Pedagogical University of Vienna can be filled with life this year too. Visitors: Interior meets in order to exchange ideas about best practice examples of digital media in class and to experience the latest technological developments in the field of education.

Numerous workshops and presentations on current topics such as artificial intelligence in class, basic digital education, MINT didactics and much more are offered. A highlight is Doris Pfingstner’s keynote, who presents her innovative school concept. In addition, the humanoid robot “Pepper” of the Vienna University of Technology ensures an exciting look into the future of education technologies. A special highlight of the EBAZARS are the creative learning rooms Steam Maker Lab and Media Lab, in which innovative teaching concepts are presented. Above all, it shows that technical developments and creative teaching methods re -impose enthusiasm for learning.

Political guests are also expected at the opening of the ceremonial opening, which highlight the importance of digital education in today’s world. Rector Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger emphasizes: “We set very clear signs here, because at the PH Vienna, Urban Diversity Campus, digitization is not just a keyword, but also lived reality in training, further education.”

The event takes place on May 20, 2025 from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Pedagogical University of Vienna instead of. Participation is free of charge, registration is recommended. More information is under https://ebazar.phwien.ac.at/ available.

Pedagogical University of Vienna / Public Relations and Staff Office and
Mmag. AGA Trnka-Kwiecinski
Telephone: +43 699 183 39 601
E-mail: pressestelle@phwien.ac.at
Website: https://www.phwien.ac.at

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