E-mobility ensures a strong business result 2024.

Salzburg/Steyr (OTS) –

In 2024, the BMW Group in Austria again achieved a record year through a strong approval plus in the fully electric segment: With sales of around 9.2 billion euros, the company in sales, production and development in a challenging overall economic environment will record an increase in sales of over three percent. Despite a volatile economic situation, the BMW Group in Austria increased at all its locations. In total, the company recorded 5,849 employees as of December 2024. This corresponds to an increase of six percent compared to the previous year. Investments in Austria as a business location have also been continued: In 2024, the BMW Group invested over 569 million euros. In this way, the company has implemented an investment sum in an unprecedented amount in the past financial year.

While the BMW Group classifies the overall annual result in Austria as very positive, the company still sees challenges with a view to the following months: “With this result we again prove our resilience and competitiveness in the Austrian market environment”emphasizes Alexander Bamberger, CEO BMW Austria. However, the company sees major challenges on the horizon: “The automotive ecosystem in Europe is under massive pressure. This does not only affect the sales market: Already today we see strong effects on the supply industry, which also connects us with other manufacturers. “ Therefore Bamberger demands: “Europe’s automotive industry must be allowed to be able to align customer requirements, otherwise negative employment effects will not be long in coming. But real technology also needs growth impulses – this still applies to e -mobility in Austria. “ Despite these challenges, the BMW Group looks constructively into the future: “We are well prepared for the future through our technology open to technology”says Bamberger.

Innovation engine BMW Group Werk Steyr – Record investments by transformation.

The BMW Group plant in Steyr recorded sales of 4.4 billion euros in the 2024 financial year. This corresponds to a sales increase of four percent. Motor production remained at almost 1.2 million units at the previous year’s level. Over 22 percent of which were diesel engines. The work sees the growth of sales primarily in an increase in the general price level, which, despite a great focus on increases in efficiency and a high cost discipline, affected the unit costs per engine.

For the first time in the history of the location, the work in Steyr will produce electric motors in Steyr from autumn 2025 – up to 600,000 pieces per year. The pre -series production started successfully in autumn 2024. The focus on e -mobility is also reflected in the record investments of the company in 2024: 562 million euros were invested in the further development of the BMW Group plant Steyr in 2024 – an increase of 58 percent compared to the previous year.

“This investment is a huge contribution to the future viability of the Austria industrial location. We trust our competence as the largest engine plant in the BMW Group and want to continue to be a guarantee of stable growth “Klaus von Moltke, Managing Director BMW Group plant Steyr, classifies the record sum. At the same time, the number also shows the great economic effort that is hidden behind the word further development. “This high disposal means that sales, profitability and the costs of employment are more important than ever. We also want to remain the BMW Group’s largest engine producer in the long term, we have to work on our competitiveness, as a company, but also as a location. And we will do everything we can to meet our responsibility and to secure our economic stability – for the BMW Group, for our employees, for the industrial location, for our employees Austria”so by Moltke.

All numbers and further information can be found in BMW Press Club.

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