Double twin jackpot – 2.3 million or 280,000 euros waiting

Double twin jackpot – 2.3 million or 280,000 euros waiting

Is it now a “twin double jackpot” or is it a “double twin jackpot”? No matter what millionaire show presenter Armin Assinger produced during his debut in the Lotto drawing studio during the bonus drawing on Friday, it is far from “everyday” and was last seen in September 2022 – also in a bonus drawing, by the way: Namely a double jackpot for sixes and at the same time a double jackpot for fives with an additional number.

So for the second time in a row there was neither a tip with the “six correct” nor a five-pointer with an additional number, and that means for the drawing on Sunday: The six-pointer is worth around 2.3 million euros, and the five-pointer with an additional number is worth around 2.3 million euros around 280,000 euros.

The big winner of the round was the Burgenlander whose tip was drawn in the additional draw and brought the bonus win of 300,000 euros.


The draw at LottoPlus also ended on Friday without sixes. Here, however, the winnings were again divided between the five, and 48 game participants each won more than 5,400 euros. The LottoPlus six in the next round on Sunday is worth around 200,000 euros.


For the Joker, there were probably four betting slips with the correct Joker number, but only three of them had “yes” checked. For two Lower Austrians and a win2day user, this meant a profit of around 61,200 euros each. Another win2day user with the correct joker number decided “no”.

Ralph Huber-Blechinger moderates the drawing on Sunday.

Lotto odds for the draw on Friday, January 10, 2025

    DJP Sechser,   im Topf bleiben EUR 1.541.010,09 - 2,3 Mio. warten
    DJP Fünfer+ZZ, im Topf bleiben EUR   187.122,65
     73 Fünfer               zu je EUR     1.450,00
    155 Vierer+ZZ            zu je EUR       195,10
  3.136 Vierer               zu je EUR        60,20
  4.167 Dreier+ZZ            zu je EUR        18,10
 51.470 Dreier               zu je EUR         6,20
159.659 Zusatzzahl allein    zu je EUR         1,50
Lotto Gewinnzahlen: 3 14  22  23  38  44 Zusatzzahl 29

LottoPlus odds for the drawing on Friday, January 10, 2025

   Kein Sechser, Gewinnsumme wird auf die Fünfer aufgeteilt
     48 Fünfer             zu je EUR     5.422,80
  2.566 Vierer             zu je EUR        17,10
 38.399 Dreier             zu je EUR         2,00
LottoPlus Gewinnzahlen: 3 5  13  27  32  42

Joker odds for the drawing on Friday, January 10, 2025

        3 Joker zu je          EUR     61.204,20
       12 mal                  EUR     10.000,00
       89 mal                  EUR      1.000,00
      839 mal                  EUR        100,00
    7.814 mal                  EUR         10,00
   84.100 mal                  EUR          2,00
Joker Zahl: 0 2 7 1 9 3

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