Doskozil calls on Burgenlanders to vote in the EU elections

Doskozil calls on Burgenlanders to vote in the EU elections

Eisenstadt (OTS) State party chairman State Governor Hans Peter Doskozil and the SPÖ state management, Jasmin Puchwein and Kevin Friedl, are jointly calling on the people of Burgenland to exercise their right to vote in the EU elections next Sunday, “because Burgenland has benefited enormously from the EU .”

State party chairman, Governor Hans Peter Doskozil, emphasizes the importance of the election to the EU Parliament: “On Sunday, voters will decide in which direction Europe will develop in the coming years. As an Objective 1 region, Burgenland has benefited enormously from the EU. Without the EU funding series of the past decades, Burgenland would be in a completely different situation today.” Doskozil further explains that “the right to vote is a hard-won privilege and gives us the opportunity to actively participate in democracy. Anyone who doesn’t vote accepts that others will decide about the future.” Europe needs a strong impulse towards a social union – for this it needs a strong social democracy.

The SPÖ state management, Jasmin Puchwein and Kevin Friedl, also calls on the people of Burgenland to take part in the EU elections: “We in Burgenland took advantage of the opportunity that the EU offered us and benefited enormously from it. Today we are pioneers in many areas across Austria and Europe – with our answers to the needs in care, our offensive in the health system, with our model for affordable housing and, last but not least, our pioneering role in the area of ​​renewable energies. In order for Burgenland to continue to benefit from the EU, it is important to make use of its right to vote and the guarantee for a strong and fair Europe is social democracy.”

Questions & Contact:

Lisa Gojakovich, MA
Press Spokesperson & Communications Manager

SPÖ Burgenland
State office
Johann-Permayer-Strasse 2
7000 Eisenstadt

T 02682 775-221


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