Digital exploitation: When is the Robocalypse coming?

There is a problem? Yes, that’s a human playing a robot and not the other way around!

Photo: dpa

When will the day come when the robots take over? And artificial intelligence declares people superfluous? The New York Times, one of the best and most successful newspapers in the world, does not want to wait until it is abolished. She has sued the developers of ChatGPT, the AI ​​for everyone on the Internet. It’s about billions.

Because unlike many people, robots want to read texts and not just receive voice messages. In order for the ChatGBT program to act as if it knew the answer to every question, it had to be fed millions of texts. They are available on the internet. But not for free. When the New York Times puts content online, it wants to get paid for it. Is this the last battle of the old media against the new?

The Microsoft Group is behind ChatGPT. Contrary to what was once thought, the Internet has exacerbated copyright issues, not eased them. Just as digitalization has not dampened exploitation, but increased it. If you don’t have money, you won’t get any. The robots know this.

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