Despite a shortage of skilled workers: decline in job advertisements in the previous year

Although the domestic economy complains about a persistently high need for personnel and skilled workers, companies are slowing down when it comes to finding new employees.

Vienna (OTS) The number of vacancies in Austria is declining, as shown by an analysis of the job advertisements on for the new labor market report. The number of job advertisements in the previous year was above the level of 2019, but below that of the record years 2021 and 2022. and other labor market experts see the economic downturn as a reason for companies’ reluctance. The unbroken trend towards reducing working hours is also clearly visible.

Georg Konjovic, CEO of “Surveys among employers and analyzes of economic data paint a very clear picture: companies are suffering from a shortage of personnel and skilled workers and this situation will worsen in the next few years. Nevertheless, many HR managers complain about a recruitment freeze in their companies. As Austria’s largest job platform, we are also noticing the decline. My appeal is: Get the best talent now, because the competition never sleeps!

The trend towards part-time work continues

Although full-time positions still make up the largest proportion of advertisements at 76 percent, an increasingly large percentage are part-time positions: it has increased from 10 to 15 percent since 2021. In addition, the proportion of advertisements stating “full-time or part-time possible” increased by another percentage point. Overall, there is the opportunity to work full-time or part-time in 11 percent of the advertised positions.

The professional field of “pharmaceuticals, health, social affairs” once again tops the list of both the professional fields with the highest proportion of advertised part-time positions (40 percent) and those of the professional fields with the highest proportion of positions with a part-time and a full-time option (36th). Percent). The occupational field “Leadership, Management” has the largest proportion of full-time positions at 93 percent, followed by “Technology, Engineering” and “IT, IT” (84 percent each).

Georg Konjovic, CEO of “Employers in the health and social sector are above average flexible in terms of working hours. In job advertisements, you specifically target people who can or want to work less than 38 hours per week. In contrast, positions in traditionally male-dominated professional fields are still only advertised as full-time positions.

Vienna is at the forefront when it comes to part-time positions, Upper Austria when it comes to apprenticeships

The most part-time jobs in 2023 were in Vienna, both in absolute numbers and as a percentage. In general, most job advertisements were placed in the federal capital; Vienna accounted for 28 percent of all advertisements on last year. In second place of the federal states with the most job advertisements on was once again Upper Austria with 22 percent, followed by Styria with 12 percent.

When it comes to apprenticeships, Upper Austria and Styria were at the top: 29 percent of all apprenticeships were advertised in Upper Austria, and 17 percent in Styria. In both federal states, most apprenticeships were in the professional fields of “technology, engineering”, “production, crafts” and “sales, customer service”. Overall, the number of apprenticeships advertised remained high; the decline compared to the record year of 2022 was only two percent.

The current labor market report is available to those interested available to download for free.

Representatives of the press can also download the labor market report here.

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Maresa Mayer
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