“Demos against the right” are actually demos against democracy?

“Unity opinion fanatics” on the rise

Anyone who demands that the ‘right’ should disappear from the political spectrum or be silenced is demanding nothing less than the abolition of democracy. Because then all that would be left would be a left-wing stance as the only tolerable, unified way of life.

LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman

The German “demonstrations against the right” are now spilling over into Austria, with corresponding events taking place in several cities over the weekend – according to the organizers, 4,000 people also came together in Linz last Sunday. “Demonstrations are important and right, they are the heart of a functioning democracy,” says LAbg. Joachim Aigner, MFG-Austria federal party chairman. However, Aigner has a problem when “on the one hand, the term ‘diversity’ is constantly used, but this does not apply to different opinions. If only the ‘left’ is permitted as the only conceivable political direction, it no longer has anything to do with democracy and freedom of expression.” The fundamental problem, however, is the constant escalation into “right” and “left” as the only question, according to Aigner: “No enlightened, modern person can actually do anything with such ideologically obstinate nonsense.”

MFG federal party chairman Joachim Aigner says clearly: “Everyone has the right to demonstrate and take to the streets if you adhere to the relevant guidelines. This is democracy in action and this is what constitutes the right to freedom of expression. Democracy means discussion and exchange of arguments. In return, you don’t have to identify with all opinions or share the content.”

Freedom of choice in all areas of life is essential for MFG

Large circles of the so-called “left” are now openly taking the view that any opinion other than their own is “right-wing” and “a threat to democracy” – a development that is worrying. The MFG also took its concerns to the streets during the Corona period – but terms like “right” or “left” played no role for them then or now. The MFG was also always concerned with preserving freedom of choice – just like today, when people must also be allowed to freely choose their ideological model of life within the framework of the democratic spectrum – even if this may seem unbearable to some.

Stop the “uniform opinion fanatics”!

One cannot therefore condone when people demonstrating are abused by a media and political propaganda machine and those who think differently are framed as worse people: “This development that originated in Germany is now spreading more and more in Austria,” says Joachim Aigner. Aigner calls this new trend the “one opinion principle”: “As with the Corona pandemic, the Ukraine conflict or the climate issue, there is only one ‘correct’ and ‘infallible’ uniform opinion. Anyone who swims against the current will get hit with a Nazi club.” In the anti-right demonstrations, people are exploited to specifically agitate against – democratically elected parties, mind you – such as the AfD or the FPÖ. Even the MFG – although neither “right” nor “left” – is repeatedly counted among the outcasts by the fanatics of unity of opinion. Joachim Aigner can only take something like this very seriously: “Some people should just eat a Snickers more often so that they can relax a little and be themselves again.”

Anyone who demands that the ‘right’ should disappear from the political spectrum or be silenced is demanding nothing less than the abolition of democracy. Because then all that would be left would be a left-wing stance as the only tolerable, unified way of life.

Some powers are using this propaganda as leverage to increasingly ban unpopular parties – a plan that could have a terrible end, according to Joachim Aigner: “Just toying with this idea is frightening and has the potential to… Bringing people onto the streets in a way where no one knows what the outcome will be.”

Abolition of democracy

What the “candle marchers” from the weekend also forget: Anyone who demands that the “right-wing” should disappear from the political spectrum or be silenced is demanding nothing less than the abolition of democracy. Because then all that would be left would be a left-wing stance as the only tolerable, unified way of life. What is particularly perfidious in this context is that these anti-right-wing demos constantly talk about the “diversity” that they want to preserve and that actually defines democracy – and at the same time want to erase diversity of opinion. “Democracy also means tolerating other opinions, finally understand that,” says Joachim Aigner.

From the MFG’s point of view, it is no longer about the outdated pigeonholing of “left – for the freedom of the collective” and “right – for the freedom of the individual”, but rather about standing up together against the system. Joachim Aigner: “It is not important to be left or right. It is important to be at the forefront of the headwinds, where the change in society and democracy is taking place. And right there in front is the MFG. Only together can the existing, desolate system that is rejected by a large majority be overcome; the “right” or “left” are the wrong tools for this.”

“History repeats itself,” is also how LAbg. Manuel Krautgartner, MFG-OÖ club chairman, sees the “demos against the right” critically: “Whenever a large number of people followed a narrative, sometimes blindly, it later became clear that the direction was wrong. See World War II, see Corona, see Russia sanctions or now the completely one-sided climate narrative. And this “Against the right” and “It’s all Nazis” bluster has already exposed itself – and is, in some cases, justifiably being ridiculed.”

When media diversity is curtailed, restricted or negated and people are no longer appropriately informed, such tendencies become widespread. Manuel Krautgartner: “This is now repeating itself again because all the major media are galloping along like blinders to the propagated uniform opinion. It is always easy for the power elite to manipulate people and lure them in one direction.”

Questions & Contact:

MFG State Parliament Club Upper Austria
(+43 732) 7720 – 17402

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