Demand for reducing democracy in Europe “

Demand for reducing democracy in Europe “

The title must be as follows: Current European lesson: demand for reduction in bureaucracy in Europe. (Not: Current European lesson: demand for reducing democracy in Europe)

The entire corrected text follows:

Current European lessons: demand for reduction in bureaucracy in Europe

Warnings of SPÖ and Greens before softening social and environmental standards

“Security by the EU internal market and exports for Austria” was the topic of the current European lesson in today’s National Council meeting. The demand for reducing bureaucracy in Europe to strengthen the competitiveness of the companies was the focus of the debate. The FPÖ criticized the “critical implementation” of the requirements from Brussels. The central claim of the ÖVP was an “end of the notes” in companies. The SPÖ advocated fair trade practices and compliance with social and environmental standards. The NEOS emphasized that deregulation was essential and underlined the importance of common rules across Europe. The Greens crowded to the agreed implementation of already decided EU projects – for example the supply chain law.

Entry to the European Union is a great success story for Austria, because the country has gained enormously in terms of skills and prosperity, said Minister of Economics and Labor Martin Kocher in its expected last speech as Federal Minister in the National Council. The European Commission recently relied on regulation and bureaucracy – this has already been recognized. The work program of the new Commission is confident, says Kocher.

FPÖ strokes “diametrical differences” to ÖVP positions

Axel Kassegger (FPÖ) went into “diametrical differences” between the ÖVP and FPÖ, which would have contributed to the failure of the government negotiations of the two parties. According to Kassegger, the ÖVP stands for the preservation “of the old system”, while the FPÖ wants to change the system – for example with regard to compulsory membership in the chambers or in ORF. Furthermore, the ÖVP wants to “implement everything without criticism” what was decided in Brussels while the FPÖ wanted sovereignty. The ÖVP is responsible for the “bureaucratic monster” itself, said Kassegger. MEP Elisabeth Dieringer-Granza (FPÖ) called for a “restart” with a “strict SME test” for every new EU regulation, because EU specifications should not deteriorate to “micro-management”. In addition, a “real” subsidiarity offensive “, says Dieringer-Granza. Michael Fürtbauer (FPÖ) criticized the” compulsory membership “in the chambers and emphasized that there were around 50 chambers in Austria, including self-administration bodies.

ÖVP: “no longer feed bureaucracy monsters”

Wolfgang Hattmannsdorfer (ÖVP) emphasized that the economy was under massive pressure. This problem should not be countered with an “Austria-alone tactics”. A “strong role of Austria at a strong business location in Europe in a strong European Union is needed,” said Hattmannsdorfer. The lifeline of the Austrian economy and living together is the foreign trade – therefore Austria should not be “withdrawing a snail house”, but must actively contribute in particular for a course correction of the bureaucrustful. . With the new guidelines of the European Commission, the compass is “absolutely correctly set” because it would provide for the “reduction of bureaucratic hurdles”, said Georg Strasser (ÖVP) and spoke in particular against additional requirements for agricultural businesses. MEP Alexander Bernhuber (ÖVP) also called for less “slip management” in companies and at the farms. Andreas Ottenschläger (ÖVP) was strong to let go of the “flat -rate criticism at the EU” – not the project itself should be questioned, but politics behind it must be questioned.

SPÖ: Do not allow reduction and hollowing out standards as “reducing bureaucracy”

No European country can meet the current challenges alone, so Austria must be a reliable partner for Europe. Michaela Schmidt (SPÖ) demanded that it need to be used for fair trade practices to make a contribution to a fairer, sustainable world. MEP Andreas Schieder (SPÖ) criticized that if “being ravaged on Europe” it is often forgotten how much “homemade bureaucracy” there is -produced by the federal states and the Chamber of Commerce. Some would “mean” seriously with the demand for reduction in bureaucracy and work for the elimination of dual -ways, said Schieder, but there were also those who would mean something completely different with “reducing bureaucracy” – namely the reduction in social security and environmental standards as well as the hollowing out of the supply chain law and the eruption of digital data protection – such as Elon Musk and the FPÖ would do this. This should not be allowed, according to Schieder. Reinhold Binder (SPÖ) also called for compliance with environmental and social standards.

Neos: roll up the sleeves and now implement deregulation

Bureaucratic reduction and deregulation are essential issues, Josef Schellhorn (Neos) also emphasized. Austria could not afford isolation, because foreclosure is dangerous, he warned and called on to roll up the sleeves now, to implement deregulation and consolidate the budget. Of course, there should be a reduction in bureaucracy, said MEP Helmut Brandstätter (NEOS), but the climate goals should not be endangered. Brandstätter also emphasized that everyone would benefit from common rules and harmonization. It is also important to find new trading partners – for example in South America, says Brandstätter. The joining of Austria to the EU is a “unique success story,” emphasized Markus Hofer (Neos). However, the competitiveness of the Austrian economy has decreased in recent years – this development must be corrected. This needs a sustainable energy policy, says Hofer.

Greens demand the end of “blocking and hesitation”

The European Union is under pressure – the attack is not only from the outside, but also from the inside, said Leonore Gewessler (Greens). She called for an end to “blocking and hesitation”, because you will certainly not get to your destination. MEP Lena Schilling (Greens), who addressed her speech to the ÖVP, said that the People’s Party was sometimes as bold in its “positions as the ball in a flipper machine”. Schilling referred to delays in the implementation of the supply chain law and the climate protection instrument CBAM. Elisabeth Götze (Greens) went into a comprehensive concept of prosperity, which includes, among other things, intact nature, which brings many tourists every year: inside. With the savings package from Blau-Schwarz, which is now obviously implemented by the “Suckerloalition”, it sees “our extensive prosperity” at risk, since the package includes the cut or cancellation of environmental funding. The transformation of industry is also in danger, Götze said. (Continued National Council) Bea

Note: Sessions of the National Council and the Federal Council can also be followed by Livestream and are as video-on-demand in the Parliament media library available.

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