Dear Mrs. EU Commission President
Ursula von der Leyen,
Dear Sir or Madam
of the European Commission,
With great concern, irritation and horror, we pursued yesterday’s international Syria conference in Brussels and its statements and resolutions of the EU.
Threats since yesterday
Big worry because yesterday (March 18, 2025) and today (19.03.2025) many critical people in Austria and Europe that are against “Salafist-jihadist terrorists and supporters” and “politicized faith” Run and clarified among Muslims, and after the EU made the Syrian HTS government yesterday through its appeasement policy or appeasement policy completely socially acceptable. The EU has thus strengthened their backs directly or indirectly of this Salafist-jihadist theory of violence, groups and people or potential individuals in the world, especially in the EU.
The various terrorist attacks in Austria, Germany and the EU, which were directly or indirectly carried out by this ideology of theological violence (sometimes also fanatized by social media, tick Tok etc.).
How credible is the EU terrorist list from now on?
Irritation because yesterday we were informed by the WDR correspondent (To see here), that the current foreign minister of the Syrian transitional government, i.e. the HTS government (formerly Al Nusra, now code name according to the US Justice Ministry) for this meeting was canceled by the “EU terrorist list”?
We ask what right? How did Foreign Minister Al-Shaibani get on the terrorist list? Is there no court order for this? If not, then we ask which right you can extinguish the EU law and the EU citizens from the EU terrorist from the EU, depending on the political interest.
Is there a judgment or a court order in the EU or in an EU country in relation to this list of EU terrorists? Deletion from the list?
Is the EU terrorist list of your own list or is it changed by the EU Commission as you please? How do you get the EU terrorist list and how down?
Where is the commitment to the freedom-democratic constitutional state, which must be based on separation of powers, for you and the members of the EU Commission? Where is the separation of powers here? Do the members of the EU Commission have a judicial decision to delete someone from the EU terrorist list? As Defensive Democrats Can we, I think, ask you these questions?
EU trusts the HTS investigation committee
Under these circumstances, you explain that the EU believes that the HTS transition government will clarify the massacres by an “HTS examination commission in Syria” and that the EU trusts it?
The Syrian government HTS has the governor of Tartus, Enes Ayrutcommissioned to carry out the investigation. He is a member of the HTS FATWA organization. The FATWA organization of HTS defines the Alawites by Enes Ayrut as “breakdowns that have to be slaughtered”. HTS entrusted the examination of the genocide to the person’s alawites who said that “the massacre on the Alawites is mandatory”. HTS made the goat a gardener. It was immediately clear that HTS did not examine the massacres, did not identify and punish the perpetrators, but on the contrary would cover up the genocide. Here the buck was made a gardener. Doesn’t the EU see that?
What is the money used for?
The European Union today increases its promises in the country and in the region to almost 2.5 billion euros for the years 2025 and 2026, ”said the money for the return of Syrians to Turkey, where the EU can be a world record? protect?
We also share the UN Report and Lemkin’s Institute with them publications on the massacres of the Syrian HTS government to religious minorities in Syria.
We call on the EU to no longer keep these massacres of religious minorities, to foggy, trivialize, or even to support or make it socially acceptable.
The following crimes against humanity have been committed in Syria since HTS took power in Syria
– genocide – UN Convention on People from 1948 and Roman Statute
– Crimes against humanity
– War crimes – Geneva conventions from 1949
– Torture and abuse – UN convention against torture
– Let go – UN convention to protect all people before leaving disappearance
– enslavement – UN pact about civil and political rights
– Crime of sexual violence -Un-Cedaw-Protocolle
– Forced relocation -UN-Iom-Protocolle
– and other crimes that are still to be determined
We are calling on the International Criminal Court in the Hague to work immediately.
Please read the two reputable reports (four left):
UN report on Syria: Terrifying extent of violence against Syrian civilians
Lemkin Institute: Red ALLARMEST SPEL for Syria: Genocidal sectarian violence against Alawites
Turkish cultural community in Austria (TKG Think Tank)