Darts: Too political: Anti-fascist club ADV Zebras is threatened with points deduction

Darts: Too political: Anti-fascist club ADV Zebras is threatened with points deduction

The zebras’ slogan “Dartista, Dartista, Antifascista” was banned by the association.

Photo: ADV Zebras Berlin

Political statements, whether by professionals or amateurs, are extremely controversial in sport. Can sport be apolitical, or should it? Or shouldn’t he be? The various sports associations approach the answers to these questions very differently. If it suits them, they can, for example, have national football teams hold up a banner for the cameras on which they naturally promote compliance with human rights and respect for one another. But the world association FIFA put a stop to wearing a rainbow captain’s armband during the men’s World Cup in Qatar in 2022. For the women, the same armband suddenly wasn’t too political six months later at the World Cup in Australia.

Such an opaque zigzag course of sports associations can also be observed from time to time in the amateur camp. An anti-fascist sports club in Berlin is currently facing pressure from the Berlin Darts Association (DVB) because the team chanted “Dartista, Dartista, Antifascista!” before their games. Some opponents of the ADV Zebras Berlin complained about exactly this to the DVB last fall. They were apparently bothered by the fact that “political slogans” were shouted during their games.

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Double ban

According to its own statements, the ADV was informed by the association in a telephone conversation that the exclamation would henceforth be prohibited. The jerseys, on which the same saying had been immortalized, did not pose a problem at this point. As a result, the Zebras gave up their battle cry. At the beginning of February, the DVB sports director contacted us again and announced that from now on the wearing of the jerseys would be prohibited if they showed political statements. If this is not complied with, the opposing teams would have the opportunity to refuse the duel. The games would then be scored against the ADV.

The Berlin Dart Association weighs down questions from journalists. “As this issue is an ongoing and internal issue, we will not comment on it to the media and journalists,” explains sports director André Schneider to “nd”. This reaction in turn makes the zebras regret the case made public on their website had. “An adult and objective dialogue on an equal level with the association” is not possible in this way. They respect the fact that “the association board does not want to comment to journalists,” but would like “a private response to the questions being raised.” But that doesn’t seem to exist either.

Autonomous regional associations

The German Dart Association (DDV), the umbrella organization of all regional associations, also did not want to comment specifically on “nd”. “I don’t have any further information about the dispute you describe,” explained DDV President Axel Krauss “nd”. Therefore, he “cannot say anything about it at this point in time.” A week later, however, nothing had changed. In any case, the regional associations are autonomous. The statutes at least state that the DDV is “politically and religiously neutral.”

However, it remains questionable whether this is enough to ban anti-fascist slogans. In any case, the ADV considers exclusion because of the use of the word “antifascism” to be inadmissible. After all, the DVB’s sports and competition regulations themselves only provide for a ban on the “representation of right-wing extremist, anti-Semitic or otherwise discriminatory ideas.” This is exactly what the Zebras would expressly support with their anti-fascist slogan.

Announced conversations

For the sports club, advocating anti-fascism represents a clear pro-democratic stance. The Zebras reject the accusation of left-wing extremism made by the association. In addition, the words “left-wing extremist” or simply “political” do not appear once on any prohibited list in the rules of the game.

Nevertheless, the ADV in Berlin continues to seek direct exchange with the association and hopes that the situation could be clarified in a discussion. Furthermore, they want to deal with those athletes who felt disturbed by the appearance of the zebras. Ultimately, they are convinced that antifascism does not question the political and confessional neutrality of the association, but rather makes it possible in the first place.

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