In view of the plans of the German government managers CDU/CSU and SPD to reject asylum seekers on the border with Austria, FPÖ security spokesman NABG demanded. Mag. Gernot Darmann ÖVP Interior Minister Karner to ensure a general asylum stop: “Karner must immediately draw the asylum emergency clause and close our limits. The stop of the illegal mass immigration is long overdue – any other reaction to this possible approach in Germany would be a continuation of the ÖVP, show policy ‘, from which people had to suffer enough! ”
Returns of illegal immigrants at the border are also a central component of the “Austria fortress”, as they would have long demanded. “The current debate in Germany is further proof that we are right with the concept of the ‘Fortress Austria’, with the demand for an immediate asylum stop, real border protection including pushbacks and consistent deportations. Under ÖVP Chancellor Stocker and ÖVP interior minister Karner, however, the completely wrong asylum and migration policy of the failed Chancellor Nehammer, whose general secretary was the now Chancellor. A look at the ‘Anti-Austrian program’ of the ‘Loser-Zampel’ is enough to see that illegal immigrants should continue to be rolled out the red carpet, while even the left parties in Germany discuss rejections at the border as a necessity, ”says Darmann. The alleged temporary suspension of family reunification, for example, is a “pocket play”, since the tax money for language courses and orientation programs for family members to be followed up should also be issued in the country of origin: “The ÖVP is actually igniting the turbo for family reunification and immigration in our social system!”
Under the fatal policy of open limits of black and green, which now find an even more dramatic sequel through the black-red-pink ‘loser sparse’, a final line should have been drawn. “Especially in view of the Islamist risk of terrorism, the escalation of crime and violence, a sustainable end of this illegal mass immigration would be overdue in order to eliminate the security chaos to be resolved by ÖVP inner ministers. The Syrian Islamist, who only killed a 14-year-old in Villach a few weeks ago and sometimes seriously injured five other people, was also refused to enter Germany on the border before submitting an asylum application in Austria. The only constant in the asylum policy in our country is the unteachability of the ÖVP, which only hypocrisies, and then even more to sit on the government bench with left -wing gossip again! ”, The Freedom Security Speaker explained.
OTS original text press release with the exclusive in terms of content of the sender – | FPK