Dachstein Dialogues 2024 |  Dachstein Dialogue Association, June 4th, 2024

International Festival for Tolerance at Dachstein

Filzmoos/Ramsau am Dachstein (OTS) A new festival on the Dachstein sets signals and impulses for tolerance and encounters under the banner of philosophy and art

The new international Festival for Tolerance finds from September 27th to 29th, 2024 under the Motto “Torn Years” in Filzmoos and Ramsau am Dachstein instead of. Based on an initiative by the mayors of the two municipalities Dachstein Dialogues set an example that will have an impact far beyond the region. Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen has the Assumed patronage for the Dachstein Dialogues.

starting point
Die History of the Peasants’ Wars and the Counter-Reformationwhen Protestants and Catholics fought each other bitterly and tens of thousands died or had to flee particularly brutal in the Dachstein region and has created deep trencheswhich are still not completely healed. For this reason and due to the current polarization tendencies in society, it was particularly important to the mayors of the Protestant Ramsau and the Catholic Filzmoos to strengthen toleranceto practice and to discuss.

The communities turned to the Author, philosopher and Ö1 presenter Philipp Blom, the as artistic director and director of the Dachstein Dialogues responsible for the programming. After months of intensive work on conception, financing and communication, season 24 is over World class program developed, with leading thinkers and musicians and very diverse events, from classical lectures to a Brazilian chamber orchestra, from discussions to jazz, yodeling and strumming music at the Dachstein mountain station.

As far as possible, everyone finds it Events in special places instead, in farmhouses, barns and old churches, whose personal atmosphere is intended to promote encounters and enable conversations. The writer is among the artists and speakers at this first Dachstein Dialogue in 2024 Michael Köhlmeierthe activist Megha Malhotra (Calcutta), the philosopher Michael Ignatieffthe spoken word artist Katharina Wentythe Illumination Orchestradie Bravura strumming and that Duo Haertel washer as well as that Musician couple Benjamin Schmid (violin) and Arianne Haering (piano).

Next year
is in the Dachstein region 500th anniversary of the Peasants’ Wars committed. On this occasion will be Dachstein Dialogues 2025 as bigger festival planted. AIn addition to lectures, discussions and concerts, there will also be an international scholarship program for young historians from conflict areas.

The festival is supported by the communities of Filzmoos and Ramsau am Dachstein, the Leader Region Ennstal-Ausseerland and the TVB Schladming Dachstein. The funding applications from the states of Styria and Salzburg, as well as from the federal government, have not yet been decided; discussions with sponsors and cooperation partners are ongoing.

The Dachstein Dialogues strive for one comprehensive sustainable use of resources on, social, economic and ecological, and therefore the cooperation with regional service providers, local, organically certified producers and a focus on environmentally friendly mobility.

The festival team has big plans for the future: The Dachstein Dialogues should be a regular intellectual and artistic event not just in Austria, but establish in Europe.

The Dachstein Dialogues look into the future, learn from the past and thus shape the present. Through encounters, intellectual impulses and cultural experiences, they transform painful historical experiences into a caring togetherness as the basis of lived tolerance and democracy. From the Grenzberg, the Dachstein becomes the center and connection.

Regina Stocker, Chairwoman Dachstein Dialogues
At this time it is becoming more and more important to talk to each other face to face and not tell each other what you think about each other through comments. For me, it’s all about democracy and peace. We need information and emotion, tolerance and love in the encounter.

Ernst Fischbacher, Co-founder of the Dachstein Dialogues
It’s about tolerance, not only in matters of faith, but also in relation to human rights and coexistence – the issue is burning and acute. Even the biggest discussion should end in dialogue.

Philip Blom, Artistic director of the Dachstein Dialogues
Does the world need a new festival? No, was my first reaction. But the initiative comes from the communities, from the people who live here, to create a festival of tolerance, and that’s what hooked me. Tolerance is being attacked more and more severely and is therefore a topic that is unfortunately becoming more and more important. We want people to encounter new ideas and talk to each other. We want to inform, provoke, make people think and create beautiful things. We have a lot going on here!

More info can be found here: http://www.dachstein-dialoge.at

Image material: https://www.dachstein-dialoge.at/pressebereich-der-dachstein-dialoge/

Questions & Contact:

Dachstein Dialogues | Martin Huber
+43 664 8387514

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